This pipeline is intended to prepare preoperative CT data for ultrasound-based spine surgery neuronavigation.
Input data are expected to be preoperative CT of patient in supine position.
The scripts allow to two functionalities:
- Rotate CT images from supine to prone position
- Extract the posterior surface of the vertebra
- python 2.7 or later
- virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python-dev virtualenv
./SpinePipeline -rp -i inputFile [-o outputFile] [-t 150]
-i the file containing the CT image
-o (optional) the file containing the rotated MINC file. If not specified, the command overwrites inputFile.
-r Rotate input image from LPS to RAS
-p Extract posterior surface of vertebra
-t Threshold value in H.U. (default 150)
-h Display help message
-v Verbose mode