This project provides a walk through of text analysis of Data analyst jobs posted in UK job market in 2020 Dec and Nov. It emphasises on text data classfications, and discovering of the most need skills and reponsibilities of each job.
The analysis is built on five dimensions which are salary, job type , location ,job posted date and job descriptions. The range of salary are widly spread between £100 to £600 per day, the level of salaries is depended on job type and location, London Cambridge Essex are the three top paid places, and contractors seems get the highest daily paid. On the other hand, perment jobs are posted more than contract and temporary ones,compare to December, more perment jobs vacancies available in November.
Key skills are extracted from job descriptions are SQL and business skill,reporting, Excel and power BI. And I am shocking that python is not one of the key skills. However, the crucial requirements of each data analyst job are found very different in terms of different industries.
Technic I used for text analysis can even be extended into advance level, such as combine tfidf with k-mean++ to infer out job responsibility and job requirements separately
Author This project is done by John Huang, for anyone who want to discuss this project with me, please send me an email to