$ lein run -- -h
LeBib: bibtex to HTML transformer.
Usage: lebib [options] bib-file output-dir
-m, --mode MODE :snippet Output mode: 'full' for HTML Document or 'snippet' for a fragment.
-h, --help
Load a database with (parse "filename.bib")
Transform to clojure datastructures using (bib->clj db)
Generate html with (render-page entries)
where entries is a clojure collection of entries
Filters can be defined in filters.clj and generate different views of the input BibTex file. Filters can be used to generate a list of publications for a specific year, keyword, author etc.
E.g. a filter to for a specific author could look like this
(fn [db author]
(filter (fn [[_ v]]
(fn [s]
(.contains (lower-case s) (name author))) (:author v))) db))
Author names can be associated with a URL which are used to add a link to the names in the generated HTML. The name to URL map is defined in maps.clj.
Uses jbibtex to process to bibtex files.
For a list of all dependencies see project.clj