[API - Thu Van] and the database is MySQL.
- Create a new schema named travelappdb with charset/collation utf8mp4/unicode_ci
- Clone API project above
- Change value of USER and PASSWORD fields at variable DATABASES in settings.py file (your local account MySQL)
- Creating and activating a virtual env and executing the command: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Executing the command: python manage.py migrate
- Create superuser in terminal: python manage.py createsuperuser
- Running the server: python manage.py runserver
- Login with superuser: http://localhost:8000/admin
- Access http://localhost:8000/o/applications
- After create new app, copy client_id and client_secret and patse into OAUTH2_INFO variable in settings.py file
- Moving to the project folder and executing the command: npm install
- Executing the command: yarn start