Custom Kafka Connect Converters and SMTs.
- org.hifly.kafka.OracleRawToBsonKeyConverter - Convert a byte [] to Oracle RAW data type.
- org.hifly.kafka.ByteArrayAndStringConverter - pass through for byte array schema type and string schema type.
- org.hifly.kafka.smt.JsonKeyToValue - Add message key to message value as a new field.
- org.hifly.kafka.smt.ExplodeJsonString - Create a Struct for a JSON Field. Extract JSON value from a massage field and copy the JSON fields in the output message as top-level fields
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=ojdbc10.jar -DartifactId=ojdbc10 -Dversion=19.3 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn clean test
mvn clean compile assembly:single