Easily build color variations of Base16 with YAML scheme definitions and ERB templates. See the Base16 repository for more information. Requires Ruby 1.9 or greater.
> ./base16
Build all schemes
> ./base16 default.yml
Build only the "default" theme
> ./base16 https://awesome-schemes.com/my-scheme.yml
Build a scheme stored on some webspace.
- Atom
- BBEdit (TextWrangler)
- Chrome DevTools (Web Inspector)
- Chrome Secure Shell
- CodeMirror
- ConEmu
- Console2
- DrRacket
- Emacs
- Escape Code Shell Script (shell)
- Geany
- Gedit
- Gimp Palette
- Gnome Terminal
- Guake
- highlight.js
- Highlighting Kate
- HTML Preview (preview)
- IPython Notebook
- iTerm 2
- Konsole
- Mate Terminal
- MinTTY
- MultiMarkdown Composer 2 (mmdc2)
- Mou
- Notepad++
- OS X Terminal (terminal-app)
- Pantheon Terminal
- prettify.js
- Prism.js
- Pygments
- Qt Creator
- Rainbow
- Rouge
- Terminator
- Termite
- Textadept
- TextMate (Sublime Text)
- Vim
- Visual Studio
- Virtual Console (vconsole)
- Windows Command Prompt
- Xcode 4
- XFCE4 Terminal
- Xresources
- Zathura
- chriskempson - HTML Preview, Vim, TextMate, iTerm 2, XFCE4 Terminal, Mou, Escape Code Shell Script, Gnome Terminal, BBEdit
- jayferd - Rouge
- neil477 - Emacs
- joedynamite - Xcode 4
- robloach - Geany
- geoffstokes - Windows Command Prompt, MinTTY
- idleberg - Atom, Chrome DevTools, CodeMirror, Gedit, highlight.js, Notepad++, prettify.js, Pygments, Rainbow
- rgieseke - Textadept
- oxplot - Mate Terminal
- esn89 - Zathura PDF Reader
- romainx - MultiMarkdown Composer 2
- moonpyk - ConEmu
- jprjr - ConnectBot, vx-connectbot
Base16 Builder is released under the MIT License