This is a Tic-Tac-Toe game built with Flutter and Riverpod state management. The game allows two players to play against each other, and includes an AI player for Player 'O'.
- Two Player Mode: Play against another player.
- AI Mode: Play against an AI that makes optimal moves.
- Game States: The game can be in a playing state, win state (for both players), or draw state.
- Board Management: Each tile on the board has a value and a selected state.
- Flutter SDK: 3.19.2 Install Flutter
- Dart SDK: 3.3.0
Clone the repository:
git clone cd tic-tac-toe-flutter
Install dependencies:
flutter pub get
Run the app on an emulator or physical device:
flutter run
Represents a single tile on the Tic-Tac-Toe board.
class Tile {
final String value;
bool isSelected;
required this.value,
this.isSelected = false,
Represents the state of the game, including the board, current player, and game state.
class Game {
final List<Tile> board;
final Player currentPlayer;
final GameState state;
required this.board,
required this.currentPlayer,
required this.state,
: board = List.generate(9, (_) => Tile(value: '', isSelected: false)),
currentPlayer = Player.x,
state = GameState.playing;
Handles the game logic and state updates.
class GameNotifier extends StateNotifier<Game> {
GameNotifier() : super(Game.initial());
void handleTap(int index) {
if (state.board[index].value.isEmpty && state.state == GameState.playing) {
final newBoard = List<Tile>.from(state.board);
newBoard[index] = Tile(value: state.currentPlayer == Player.x ? 'X' : 'O', isSelected: true);
final newGameState = _calculateGameState(newBoard);
state = Game(
board: newBoard,
currentPlayer: newGameState == GameState.playing ? _nextPlayer() : state.currentPlayer,
state: newGameState,
if (state.currentPlayer == Player.o && newGameState == GameState.playing) {
Player _nextPlayer() => state.currentPlayer == Player.x ? Player.o : Player.x;
GameState _calculateGameState(List<Tile> board) {
const lines = [
[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8],
[0, 3, 6],
[1, 4, 7],
[2, 5, 8],
[0, 4, 8],
[2, 4, 6],
for (var line in lines) {
final a = line[0];
final b = line[1];
final c = line[2];
if (board[a].value.isNotEmpty && board[a].value == board[b].value && board[a].value == board[c].value) {
return board[a].value == 'X' ? GameState.xWins : GameState.oWins;
if (board.every((tile) => tile.value.isNotEmpty)) {
return GameState.draw;
return GameState.playing;
void resetGame() {
state = Game.initial();
void _makeAiMove() {
final newBoard = List<Tile>.from(state.board);
final aiMove = _findBestMove(newBoard);
newBoard[aiMove] = const Tile(value: 'O', isSelected: true);
final newGameState = _calculateGameState(newBoard);
state = Game(
board: newBoard,
currentPlayer: newGameState == GameState.playing ? _nextPlayer() : state.currentPlayer,
state: newGameState,
int _findBestMove(List<Tile> board) {
const lines = [
[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8],
[0, 3, 6],
[1, 4, 7],
[2, 5, 8],
[0, 4, 8],
[2, 4, 6],
// First, check if AI can win
for (var line in lines) {
int? move = _checkLine(board, line, 'O');
if (move != null) return move;
// Next, check if AI needs to block player
for (var line in lines) {
int? move = _checkLine(board, line, 'X');
if (move != null) return move;
// If no winning or blocking move, make a random move
Random random = Random();
int index;
do {
index = random.nextInt(9);
} while (board[index].value.isNotEmpty);
return index;
int? _checkLine(List<Tile> board, List<int> line, String player) {
final a = line[0];
final b = line[1];
final c = line[2];
if (board[a].value == player && board[b].value == player && board[c].value.isEmpty) return c;
if (board[a].value == player && board[c].value == player && board[b].value.isEmpty) return b;
if (board[b].value == player && board[c].value == player && board[a].value.isEmpty) return a;
return null;
Provides the game state and handles state updates.
final gameProvider = StateNotifierProvider<GameNotifier, Game>((ref) {
return GameNotifier();
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
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