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It is a framework for PHP developers to get a quick start with their projects with the highest control and lowest learning curve!


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It is a pseudo-framework for PHP developers to get a quick start with their projects with the highest control and lowest learning curve!

Table of Contents

Getting started

Step 1: Installation

We have our own installer software which eases the installation process via which you can get started with your projects with a few clicks. The installer is called PL Installer. Go to the repo, then go to Releases and download binary/exe from the latest release. After downloading, just run it and follow the instructions and you are done!

Declare custom routes:

Step 1: Enable custom router

To enable controlled/custom routes insted of filesystem,go to /shell/.ev and change the value of APP_ROUTE_SYSTEM to the follwing


Step 2: Create routes

To declare routes go to /shell/routes/.In there, there are 2 files i.e web.php [that controlls norma routes where response is html] and api.php [which controlls api routes for urls starting with /api/ and response type is JSON].The files content looks like this:


use Core/Router/Router;


There, use Router::get('/route/path/')-name('')->call('') format to declare new routes

Move to raw routes:

step 1: Enable raw router

To enable raw/filesystem based routes insted of declarative and controlled ones, go to /shell/.env and change the value of APP_ROUTE_SYSTEM to the following


Now the routes will follow the name of the file, url/path/to/filename/ will output the contents of ./facade/path/to/filename.php



To dump variables, use d() function

Die Dump

To dump variables and stop execution, use dd() function

Including static files

Static files are kept in either ./assets/ or ./node_modules/ directory. CSS, JS and Images are in respectively /css/, /js/ and /images/ directory inside ./assets/


Use _image() function to get the path

<img src="<?= _image('filename.extension') ?>" alt="">
<!-- output -->
<!-- <img src="href="http://url/assets/images/filename.extension" alt=""> -->

2. CSS

Use _css() function to get the css inclusion code

<?php _css('filename');
// output:
//<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://url/assets/css/filename.css">

3. JS

Use _js() function to get the js inclusion code

<?php _js('filename');
// output:
//<script defer src="http://url/assets/js/filename.js"></script>

4. [node_module] CSS

Use _node_css() function to get the css inclusion code

<?php _node_css('path/to/filename.extension');
// output:
//<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://url/node_modules/path/to/filename.extension">

5. [node_module] JS

Use _node_js() function to get the js inclusion code

<?php _node_js('path/to/filename.extension'); ?>
// output:
//<script defer src="http://url/node_modules/path/to/filename.extension"></script>

CSRF Protection

!! Enable Csrf

First enable csrf from .env file and to do that, go to /shell/.env and change the value of CSRF_ENABLED to the following


Include CSRF token to Forms

CSRF protection is only needed in post requests. So, you need to include the CSRF token as a hidden input element in every form:post forms. To do that just call _csrf() function.

<form action="<?= ROUTER->postRoute('') ?>" method="Post">
<?php _csrf() ?>
<!-- other input fields and submit button here -->


It is a framework for PHP developers to get a quick start with their projects with the highest control and lowest learning curve!







Contributors 3
