This is a test sample task
React Native Test Instructions: Code submission -
- Create and submit the code to Github
- Record demo - Upon completion, record a video of your desktop which shows the compilation of the test task and do a demo on it. Time limit - Submit the project 8 hours upon receiving this test Task Requirements -
Screens ● Splash screen. (Show for 2 seconds) ● Login screen. ● Dashboard screen with bottom navigation:
○ There will be 2 tabs inside it: ■ Home ■ Favorite
Login Screen ● There will be three views.
- Enter Email (Input Field)
- Enter Password (Input Field)
- Login (Button)
● Login button click → check the user input and allow login with below fixed email & password.
● If email & password matched, open the dashboard screen with two tabs. (Email: , Password: jetdevs@123 ) Home Tab
● Random user api, with load more (pagination) and pull to refresh. ● Following items should be in each item. ○ Profile picture ○ Name ○ Other details (optional, you can add it to make better UI) ○ Favorite icon on top right side. ● Provide a function to mark users as a favorite/unfavorite.
Favorite Tab ● Show your favorite users list. ● Provide an option to mark users as an unfavorite. Technical Specifications ● Redux ● React hooks ● Random user api call: ● For more details: