VirusTotalAnalyzer is an AutoPkg processor to query downloaded files from the VirusTotal database. It is designed to be used as a post processor for AutoPkg.
Clone this repo to any of the folders included in AutoPkg's search path or use the autopkg repo-add
command. This repo includes a stub recipe which lets AutoPkg find the processor.
autopkg repo-add
To check your installation, run autopkg list-recipes
and verify that VirusTotalAnalyzer
stub recipe is included in the list.
The following is not required: If you want to provide your own VirusTotal API key, register for an account at Then go to the "My API Key" page, copy the key and run:
defaults write com.github.autopkg VIRUSTOTAL_API_KEY <your_api_key_here>
Once installed and visible to AutoPkg, you can include the processor in an AutoPkg run by running:
autopkg run -v --post "io.github.hjuutilainen.VirusTotalAnalyzer/VirusTotalAnalyzer" <recipes_to_run>
If you need to disable VirusTotalAnalyzer for a single recipe, you can set the VIRUSTOTAL_DISABLED
key to true to exclude it from future runs. The key should be set in the Input section of the override recipe. For example:
<true />
By default, VirusTotalAnalyzer only scans new downloads. To always scan:
defaults write com.github.autopkg VIRUSTOTAL_ALWAYS_REPORT -bool true
To automatically submit files that VirusTotal did not yet know about (files smaller than 400MB will be submitted):
defaults write com.github.autopkg VIRUSTOTAL_AUTO_SUBMIT -bool true
To change the maximum file size for auto-submitting (default is 419430400 which equals 400MB):
defaults write com.github.autopkg VIRUSTOTAL_AUTO_SUBMIT_MAX_SIZE -int <bytes>
To use your own VirusTotal API key:
defaults write com.github.autopkg VIRUSTOTAL_API_KEY <your_api_key>
Since the VirusTotal API is rate limited, it might be useful to add some sleep time (the default is 15):
defaults write com.github.autopkg VIRUSTOTAL_SLEEP_SECONDS -int <seconds>