An elegant, design-hackable and data-hackable lisp language.
- Database language would be included into lisp grammer tree as a part of monalisp.
- Any searchable data could be treated as a list-based db object.
- The basic db operations could be implemented via lisp macros or lisp functions.
- The users can change the basic interface of db operations and extend them, they also can change the grammer of db feature.
- based on standard libc, depentdent from os api.
- monalisp parser can be easily integrated into embedded system without a file subsystem. Those embedded systems need the database feature, but due to the limited footprint of hardware always without a text-based file subsystem.
- If anything could be implemented as text, it means the language should be as more elegant as possible for designing.
I recommend you to use Emacs editor for reading and coding. :-)
I would implement more features and release a stable version in the future, and God know that schedule. :-)
If you have the source codes of another baby lisp, please share it with me, thanks.
And if you want to join mona-lisp community and hack together, please let me know.