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Upgrade from 0.3.x

Michal Hlavac edited this page May 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

Since version 0.4.x and above has new configuration UI, there are some incompatibilities with previous version. You have to do these steps:

  1. Just for sure, backup your previous configuration
  2. Stop and remove old container:
    docker-compose stop identity
    docker-compose rm identity
  3. Find and remove identity-config volume (Don't remove LDAP volumes!!!):
    docker volume ls
       DRIVER              VOLUME NAME
       local               hlavki_identity-config
       local               hlavki_ldap-config
       local               hlavki_ldap-data
    docker volume rm hlavki_identity-config
  4. Remove GSUITE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL and GSUITE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SUBJECT environment properties from docker-compose.yml
  5. Upgrade image version in docker-compose.yml to hlavki/g-suite-identity-sync:0.4.0
  6. Go to Service accounts page and open previously used service account, clik Edit then Create key with JSON type. Save JSON file.
  7. Go to G Suite Admin groups page and create group identity.admins and add your admin account.
  8. Go to API Client Access page and overwrite scopes for existing ClientId with value:,,
  9. Run identity server
    docker-compose up -d
  10. Visit http://localhost:8181, login with admin account, paste service account JSON and click Setup.
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