Dictionary attacks combined with manual input or a second dictionary file to crack BIP38 encrypted btc private keys.
ezdict: Standard dictionary attack.
- Save password file pw.txt in the program folder.
- Edit the BIP38 variable to the BIP38 encrypted wallet key.
- Compile and run.
ezdictcombo: Combines dictionary attack with manually entered input, attempting the combination in both orders.
- Save password file pw.txt in the program folder.
- Edit the BIP38 variable to the BIP38 encrypted wallet key.
- Compile and run.
ezdictcombo2: Attempts same combinations as ezdictcombo, plus another as it prompts user for string to sandwich between dictionary combinations.
- Save password files pw.txt and pw2.txt in the program folder.
- Edit the BIP38 variable to the BIP38 encrypted wallet key.
- Compile and run.
With inspiration from https://github.com/camAtGitHub/crack-btc-bip38-password