A game prototype using the SDL2 lib
./a [prob/tile] [offset]
- First argument is the (floating point) probability for a single tile to contribute 1 to the vegetation pool. If it's set to 2, every single tile will contribute 2 to the pool.\
- Second argument can be -1 (random) or another, potentially 0, offset value (the piece of vegetation will be placed on the tile grid with an offset, it is scaled to ASPECT_RATIO, & should reasonably be between 0 and 15).
If these arguments are not mentioned, default values will be used.
make hello
./a 1
./a 2 12
./a .15 -1
If the size of the prototype doesn't fit, you can change the ASPECT_RATIO (and window size, in tiles (and key bindings)) in tnns.h.
0 : quit
g : display grid
LSHIFT + wasd : move camera