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πŸš€ A robust and scalable backend starter kit built with NestJS, GraphQL, Prisma, and PostgreSQL. Features Docker support, JWT authentication, and comprehensive testing.


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NestJS GraphQL Boilerplate


NestJS GraphQL Prisma PostgreSQL Docker Jest

A robust backend starter built with NestJS, GraphQL, Prisma, and PostgreSQL. This boilerplate includes authentication, Docker support, and comprehensive testing setup.

🌟 Features

  • NestJS: A powerful Node.js framework for scalable server-side applications
  • GraphQL & Apollo Server: Fully-featured GraphQL API
  • Prisma: Modern ORM for type-safe database access
  • PostgreSQL: Reliable, open-source relational database
  • Authentication: Secure user authentication system
  • Docker: Containerization for easy deployment and development
  • Testing: Comprehensive test suite using Jest
  • Yarn: Fast and secure dependency management

πŸ›  Prerequisites

Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (v20.x or later)
  • Yarn (v1.22.x or later)
  • Docker and Docker Compose

πŸš€ Quick Start with Docker

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd your-repo-name
  2. Set up environment variables

    cp example.env .env

    Update the .env file with your configuration

  3. Start the application

    docker-compose up -d
  4. Access the application

    • Main: http://localhost:3001
    • GraphQL Playground: http://localhost:3001/graphql

πŸ–₯ Manual Installation

If you prefer to run the application without Docker:

  1. Follow steps 1-2 from the Quick Start guide

  2. Install dependencies

    yarn install
  3. Set up the database

    • Ensure PostgreSQL is running
    • Run migrations:
      yarn migrate
  4. Start the application

    yarn dev

βš™οΈ Configuration

The application uses environment variables for configuration. Copy the example.env file to .env and update the values accordingly. Here's an explanation of the key environment variables:

Variable Description Example Value
NODE_ENV Application environment local
APP_CORS_ORIGIN CORS origin setting *
HTTP_HOST HTTP server host
HTTP_PORT HTTP server port 3001
GRAPHQL_PLAYGROUND Enable GraphQL Playground true
DATABASE_URL PostgreSQL connection string postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/dbname
AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET Secret for JWT token generation my-access-token-secret
AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXP JWT token expiration time 1d
AWS_REGION AWS region for services ap-south-1
AWS_LOCAL_PROFILE_NAME AWS local profile name default
AWS_ROLE_ARN AWS IAM role ARN arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/YourRoleName
AWS_S3_PRESIGN_LINK_EXPIRES S3 presigned URL expiration (seconds) 1800
AWS_S3_BUCKET S3 bucket name your-bucket-name

Ensure all variables are properly set before running the application.

πŸ” Authentication

This boilerplate includes a JWT-based authentication system:

  1. Register a user or use the default admin account
  2. Obtain a JWT token by logging in
  3. Include the token with Bearer in the Authorization header of your requests

JWT configuration:

  • Secret key: Set in AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
  • Token expiration: Set in AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXP

πŸ§ͺ Testing

Run the test suite:

yarn test

πŸ—ƒ Database Management

Prisma CLI commands for database management:

Command Description
yarn generate Generate Prisma client
yarn migrate:prod Apply migrations

Ensure DATABASE_URL is correctly set in your .env file.

πŸ“Š GraphQL Development

  • Schema is auto-generated from your resolvers
  • GraphQL Playground is enabled by default in development (GRAPHQL_PLAYGROUND=true)
  • Access GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:3001/graphql
  • Disable GraphQL Playground in production for security

🐳 Docker in Development

For a consistent development environment with hot-reloading:

docker-compose -f up

☁️ AWS Configuration

This project uses AWS services. Ensure proper configuration:

  1. Set AWS_REGION to your desired AWS region
  2. Configure AWS_LOCAL_PROFILE_NAME with your AWS CLI profile name
  3. Set AWS_ROLE_ARN to the appropriate IAM role ARN
  4. For S3 operations, set AWS_S3_BUCKET and AWS_S3_PRESIGN_LINK_EXPIRES

🚒 Deployment

  1. Build the Docker image

    docker build -t your-app-name .
  2. Push the image to your container registry

  3. On your server, run:

    docker run -d -p 3001:3001 --env-file .env your-app-name

🀝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines and code of conduct.

πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


πŸš€ A robust and scalable backend starter kit built with NestJS, GraphQL, Prisma, and PostgreSQL. Features Docker support, JWT authentication, and comprehensive testing.





