This plugin checks invalid yaml files which are pushed to a repository. It has no affect on files which do not have the extension of .yaml.
Install this plugin from Atlassian Market place via the UPM (Universal Plugin Manager) on your instance
You can enable the plugin on a repository basis. Go to the settings of the repository and in the hooks tab you can enable/disable the plugin
When you attempt to push bad yaml the plugin will reject your push and give you a message indicating the problem
You can develop against this plugin in the normal way you would any Atlassian Plugin, you can see the getting started here:
- In order to run with 5.0.0 you have to run the plugin via:
atlas-run -u 6.3.0
When you have commit your changes, tested and built a binary you can release the plugin, with the following commands:
atlas-mvn release:prepare
and then:
atlas-mvn release:perform
Some of the generated docs from the plugin SDK:
- atlas-run -- installs this plugin into the product and starts it on localhost
- atlas-debug -- same as atlas-run, but allows a debugger to attach at port 5005
- atlas-cli -- after atlas-run or atlas-debug, opens a Maven command line window: - 'pi' reinstalls the plugin into the running product instance
- atlas-help -- prints description for all commands in the SDK
Full documentation is always available at:
See here for EULA: