This project provides REST based web services for exposing BAR related information for hearing fee and award fees.
This is SpringBoot+maven based java application. Please see the Jenkinsfile in root folder to see the build and deployment pipeline.
You will need jdk and maven installed on your machine or use mvnw to install the prerequisites.
- Clone the repo to your machine using git clone
- Run $ ./gradlew build
You can run the tests using 'gradle test or ./gradlew test'
See Jenkinsfile for the deployment details
To run the application at local developer machine use following command
$ gradle bootRun or ./gradlew bootRun
Once application server is started use swagger ui to find the endpoints and test these. http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
or in dev/test environment you can use this link or
Some of the end points are as below. These might be out of date. Please look at the swagger-ui to be sure.
- GET /bar/hello
- Gradle - Dependency Management
We use SemVer for versioning.