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Cistrome DB Toolkit API

Sehi L'Yi edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

Searching Interval Bind TFs

The following API searches for TFs in a specific genomic region.{$parameter1}&factor={$parameter2}&interval={$parameter3}


  • Parameter1 is to set species information (hg38 or mm10);
  • parameter2 is to set factor information (tf, hm, or ca); and
  • parameter3 is to set the genomic interval, format is {chromosome}:{start}-{end}.


This example is used to search what transcription factors bind to the genomic region chr6:151690496-152103274 in human.

API Result of TFs Search

Following JSON Object describes an example of API request result:

{"65097": {"cellLine": "HEK293", "OverlapPeakNumber": 2, "SamplePeakNumber": 9940, "DCid": "65097", "Tissue": "Embryonic Kidney", "CellType": "Epithelium", "OverlapRatio": 0.00020120724346076458, "factor": "CTCF", "GSM": "GSM2026781", "species": "Homo sapiens"}, ...}

API for Downloading BigWig Files

API for finding bigwig files is the following:{$DCid}

where $DCid can be found from the result of the first API response.