This library wraps JAVA Pattern's in an Expression class that is able to use sub expressions, function expressions and named groups.
It handles infinite nesting of everything.
${subExpressionId} - Allows the reuse of common expressions like numbers, dates etc. These sub expressions must
first be registered within an expression context
${functionId(args...)} - Allows the use of special ExpressionFunction instances that can be used to generate large
sets of data or complex patterns. Functions need also be registered within an expression
(capital_letters:[A-Z]) - Named groups within your regular expressions.
//Initialize an expression context.
ExpressionContext ctxt = new ExpressionContext();
//Add Range() ExpressionFunction with an id of "range". Function takes 2-3 arguments: (int from,int to,int width)
ctxt.add("range",new ExpressionFunction.Range());
//Add sub expression with id "letters"
//Add sub expression with id "numbers"
//Compile the expression you need
Expression expr = ctxt.compile("${letters}_(num:${numbers})_${range(9,12,2)}");
//Create matcher for text
ExpressionMatcher matcher = expr.matcher("Does it match ABC_123_09 and XYZ_321_10 ?");
//Start matching
while(matcher.find()) {
//Get contents of named group
String number ="num"); //123 and 321
//Get entire match
String match =; //ABC_123_09 and XYZ_321_10