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DjangoRoutify : A mix of Django, Routify, Svelte and Vite

The initial goal for this project is to build a django app using Svelte technology, that can be used to build easily production-ready apps.

Install Python dependencies using this command :

 pip install -r requirement.txt

Install NPM dependencies for the project :

yarn install 
npm install

The project architecture is the following :

 - assets : Folder where the source file will be located
 - -  src : 
 - - - pages : Folder where svelte pages will be loaded from by Routify
 - - - - routes : Folder where generated routes for Routify
 - - App.svelte : main entrypoint for Routify
 - - main.js : main.js file entrypoint
 - core : Django configuration files ( wsgi,, other ... )
 - dist : Routify temporary output dist folder
 - - client : Client
 - - server : Server
 - static : Folder where the assets CSS|JS will be stored
 - web : custom django app
 - vite.config.js : Vite configuration for routify

If you are in development mode, please change in the core/ file the line where the constant DEBUG is defined :

DEBUG = True

If you want to run for production, change the DEBUG to :

DEBUG = False

To run the dev mode, run the command :

npm run dev


yarn run dev

When running the app in development mode, the index.html used is coming from web/templates/base.html :

{% load django_vite %} Load django vite binary into the page

<!DOCTYPE  html>

<html  lang="en">


<meta  charset="UTF-8">

<meta  name="viewport"  content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">


{% vite_hmr_client %}  Load vite HMR files and deps


{% if debug %}
In debug mode, the manifest_json generated into static/dist/manifest.json reference this path as the entry point for routify.

{% vite_asset '.src/main.js' %}

{% else %}
In production mode, the manifest_json generated into static/dist/manifest.json reference this path as the entry point for routify.

{% vite_asset '.routify/render.js' %}

{% endif %}





In order to build for dev, you'll need to open two terminal windows. One to run Routify in dev mode and another for django server

npm run dev

python runserver

In order to build for production :

npm run build

python collectstatic

python runserver

Learn more about Django here :
Learn more about Django_Vite here :
Learn more about Routify here :