The idea is to be able to compile standard C functions into an elf object file,
then link to the OpenCL runtime as an ordinary cl_program
This program will be later linked (clLinkProgram()
) to a second cl_program
obtained from building/compiling an OpenCL wrapper
Telajax API has a lot of similarities to OpenCL. We designed it to run quickly standard C code on OpenCL-enabled devices, on which we are able to compile and provide binary code which performs better than the OpenCL compiler does.
$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix> -DOPENCL_ROOT=<path/to/opencl/lib> ..
$ make
$ make check
$ make install
Here is an example of fast prototyping of vec_add
using Telajax :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <telajax.h>
#define VEC_LENGTH 16
const char* kernel_ocl_wrapper = "\n" \
"void _vec_add(int n, __global float* x, __global float* y);\n" \
"\n" \
"__kernel void vec_add(int n, __global float* x, __global float* y){\n" \
" _vec_add(n, x, y);\n" \
"}\n" \
const char* kernel_code = "\n" \
"#include <stdio.h> \n " \
"\n" \
"void _vec_add(int n, float* x, float* y){ \n" \
" \n" \
" for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ \n" \
" y[i] += x[i]; \n" \
" } \n" \
" \n" \
"} \n" ;
void pfn_event_notify(
cl_event event,
cl_int event_command_exec_status,
void* exec_time)
cl_ulong time_start = 0, time_end = 0;
clGetEventProfilingInfo(event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START,
sizeof(time_start), &time_start, NULL);
clGetEventProfilingInfo(event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END,
sizeof(time_end), &time_end, NULL);
*((unsigned long long*)exec_time) = (unsigned long long) (time_end - time_start);
int main()
int vec_length = VEC_LENGTH;
int err = 0;
unsigned long long exec_time = 0;
// Initialize device for Telajax
device_t device = telajax_device_init(0, NULL, &err);
// Create host buffers
float* host_x = (float*) malloc(VEC_LENGTH * sizeof(float));
float* host_y = (float*) malloc(VEC_LENGTH * sizeof(float));
for(int i = 0; i < VEC_LENGTH; i++){
host_x[i] = i; host_y[i] = i;
// Allocate device memory and copy
mem_t dev_x = telajax_device_mem_alloc(VEC_LENGTH * sizeof(float),
TELAJAX_MEM_READ_ONLY, &device, &err);
mem_t dev_y = telajax_device_mem_alloc(VEC_LENGTH * sizeof(float),
TELAJAX_MEM_READ_WRITE, &device, &err);
telajax_device_mem_write(&device, dev_x, host_x, VEC_LENGTH * sizeof(float));
telajax_device_mem_write(&device, dev_y, host_y, VEC_LENGTH * sizeof(float));
// Build wrapper on device
wrapper_t wrapper = telajax_wrapper_build("vec_add", kernel_ocl_wrapper,
NULL, &device, &err);
// Build kernel on device
kernel_t vec_add_kernel = telajax_kernel_build(
" -std=c99 ", // cflags
"", // lflags
&wrapper, // wrapper
&device, &err);
// Set kernel args
size_t args_size[3] = {sizeof(int), sizeof(mem_t), sizeof(mem_t)};
void* args[3] = {&vec_length, &dev_x, &dev_y};
telajax_kernel_set_args(3, args_size, args, &vec_add_kernel);
// Enqueue kernel
telajax_kernel_enqueue(&vec_add_kernel, &device);
telajax_kernel_set_callback(pfn_event_notify, (void*)&exec_time, &vec_add_kernel);
// Wait for kernel termination (and callback is executed in backgroud)
// may read vector y from device to check if correct
telajax_device_mem_read(&device, dev_y, host_y, VEC_LENGTH * sizeof(float));
printf("Vector Y is : ");
for(int i = 0; i < VEC_LENGTH; i++){
printf("%.2f %s", host_y[i], (i == VEC_LENGTH-1) ? "\n" : "");
printf("Exec_time = %llu ns\n", exec_time);
// release kernel
// release wrapper
// cleanup host buffers
// cleanup device buffers
// Finalize Telajax
return 0;