Accepted to CVPR 2022 (Oral)

This repository contains the official implementation of Versatile Multi-Modal Pre-Training for Human-Centric Perception. For brevity, we name our method HCMoCo.
arXiv • Project Page • Dataset
If you find our work useful for your research, please consider citing the paper:
title={Versatile Multi-Modal Pre-Training for Human-Centric Perception},
author={Hong, Fangzhou and Pan, Liang and Cai, Zhongang and Liu, Ziwei},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.13815},
[03/2022] Code release!
[03/2022] HCMoCo is accepted to CVPR 2022 for Oral presentation:partying_face:!
We recommend using conda to manage the python environment. The commands below are provided for your reference.
git clone
cd HCMoCo
conda create -n HCMoCo python=3.6
conda activate HCMoCo
conda install -c pytorch pytorch=1.6.0 torchvision=0.7.0 cudatoolkit=10.1
pip install -r requirements.txt
Other than the above steps, if you want to run the PointNet++ experiments, please remember to compile the pointnet operators.
cd pycontrast/networks/pointnet2
python install
This dataset is for the pre-train process. Download the 'NTU RGB+D 60' dataset here. Extract the data to pycontrast/data/NTURGBD/NTURGBD
. The folder structure should look like:
├── ...
└── pycontrast/data/NTURGBD/
├── nturgb+d_rgb/
├── nturgb+d_depth_masked/
├── nturgb+d_skeletons/
└── ...
Preprocess the raw data using the following two python scripts which could produce calibrated RGB frames in nturgb+d_rgb_warped_correction
and extracted skeleton information in nturgb+d_parsed_skeleton
cd pycontrast/data/NTURGBD
This dataset is for both the pre-train process and depth human parsing task. Follow the instructions here for the preparation of NTURGBD-Parsing-4K dataset.
This dataset is for the pre-train process. Download the 'MPII Human Pose Dataset' here. Extract them to pycontrast/data/mpii
. The folder structure should look like:
├── ...
└── pycontrast/data/mpii
├── annot/
└── images/
This dataset is for both the pre-train process and DensePose estimation. Download the COCO 2014 train/val images/annotations here. Extract them to pycontrast/data/coco
. The folder structure should look like:
├── ...
└── pycontrast/data/coco
├── annotations/
└── *.json
└── images/
├── train2014/
└── *.jpg
└── val2014/
└── *.jpg
This dataset is for the RGB human parsing task. Download the Human3.6M dataset here and extract under HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation/data/human3.6m
. Use the provided script
for the pre-processing of the raw data. The folder structure should look like:
├── ...
└── HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation/data/human3.6m
├── protocol_1/
├── rgb
└── seg
├── flist_2hz_train.txt
├── flist_2hz_eval.txt
└── ...
This dataset is for the depth 3D pose estimation. Download the ITOP dataset here and extract under A2J/data
. Use the provided script
for the pre-processing of the raw data. The folder structure should look like:
├── ...
└── A2J/data
├── side_train/
├── side_test/
├── itop_size_mean.npy
├── itop_size_std.npy
├── bounding_box_depth_train.pkl
├── itop_side_bndbox_test.mat
└── ...
Finally, let's start the pre-training process. We use slurm to manage the distributed training. You might need to modify the below mentioned scripts according to your own distributed training method. We develop HCMoCo based on the CMC repository. The codes for this part are provided under pycontrast
For the first stage, we only perform 'Sample-level modality-invariant representation learning' for 100 epoch. We provide training scripts for this stage under pycontrast/scripts/FirstStage
. Specifically, we provide the scripts for training with 'NTURGBD+MPII':
cd pycontrast
sh scripts/FirstStage/
For the second stage, all three proposed learning targets in HCMoCo are used to continue training for another 100 epoch. We provide training scripts for this stage under pycontrast/scripts/SecondStage
. The naming of scripts are corresponding to that of the first stage.
After the two-stage pre-training, we need to extract pre-trained weights of RGB/depth encoders for transfering to downstream tasks. Specifically, please refer to pycontrast/
for extracting pre-trained weights of the RGB encoder and pycontrast/
for that of the depth encoder.
The DensePose estimation is performed on COCO dataset. Please refer to detectron2 for the training and evaluation of DensePose estimation. We provide our config files under DensePose-Config
for your reference. Fill the config option MODEL.WEIGHTS
with the path to the pre-trained weights.
The RGB human parsing is performed on Human3.6M dataset. We develop the RGB human parsing task based on the HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation repository and include the our version in this repository. We provide a config template HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation/experiments/human36m/config-template.yaml
. Remember to fill the config option MODEL.PRETRAINED
with the path to the pre-trained weights. The training and evaluation commands are provided below.
cd HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation
# Training
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=2 \
--master_port=${port} \
tools/ \
--cfg ${config_file}
# Evaluation
python tools/ \
--cfg ${config_file} \
TEST.MODEL_FILE ${path_to_trained_model}/best.pth \
The depth human parsing is performed on our proposed NTURGBD-Parsing-4K dataset. Similarly, the code for depth human parsing is developed based on the HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation repository. We provide a config template HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation/experiments/nturgbd_d/config-template.yaml
. Please refer to the above 'RGB Human Parsing' section for detailed usages.
The depth 3D pose estimation is evaluated on ITOP dataset. We develop the codes based on the A2J repository. Since the original repository does not provide the training codes, we implemented it by ourselves. The training and evaluation commands are provided below.
cd A2J
python \
--pretrained_pth ${path_to_pretrained_weights} \
--output ${path_to_the_output_folder}
The experiments for the versatility of HCMoCo are evaluated on NTURGBD-Parsing-4K datasets. For the 'RGB->Depth' cross-modality supervision, please refer to pycontrast/scripts/Versatility/
. For the 'Depth->RGB' cross-modality supervision, please refer to pycontrast/scripts/Versatility/
cd pycontrast
sh scripts/Versatility/
sh scripts/Versatility/
Please refer to the provided script pycontrast/scripts/Versatility/
cd pycontrast
sh scripts/Versatility/
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
This work is supported by NTU NAP, MOE AcRF Tier 2 (T2EP20221-0033), and under the RIE2020 Industry Alignment Fund – Industry Collaboration Projects (IAF-ICP) Funding Initiative, as well as cash and in-kind contribution from the industry partner(s).
We thank the following repositories for their contributions in our implementation: CMC, HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation, SemGCN, PointNet2.PyTorch, and A2J.