This repository is an extended version from the paper IJS at TextGraphs-16 Natural Language Premise Selection Task: Will Contextual Information Improve Natural Language Premise Selection?.
We crawled 3,600,000 statements from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. For each statements (based on the query in form of Axxxxxx where x is the integer). Check out the sample of the output in ./data.
Install the necessary libaries by the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To re-crawl, please run the following command:
python --output [output_dir]
Or check the notebook ./notebook/test_crawling.ipynb.
To preprocess the crawled data into format of training set and the knowledge base, run the following command:
python --input [input_dir] --output [output_dir]
To train the similarity model, run the following command:
./ --knowledge_base data/knowledge_base.json --statements data/statements.json > predict.txt
To evaluate the performance, run the following command:
./ --gold_standard data/statements.json predict.txt
If you are too lazy to run all the above command separately, run the following command and waiting for the result =)).
chmod +x user
Tran, Thi Hong Hanh, et al. "IJS at TextGraphs-16 Natural Language Premise Selection Task: Will Contextual Information Improve Natural Language Premise Selection?." Proceedings of TextGraphs-16: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing. 2022.