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SupaHooks: Outbound Webhooks Template for Hookdeck

A template demonstrating using Hookdeck as your outbound webhook infrastructure.

Outbound Webhooks with Hookdeck

📽️ Watch the SupaHooks video walkthrough


Hookdeck is an event gateway: infrastructure that supports use cases, including receiving webhooks, sending webhooks, and connecting third-party services.

This template provides the basic building blocks for registering and managing webhook subscriptions with Hookdeck.


  • Each webhook subscription is represented within Hookdeck as a Connection.
  • A Connection has a Destination, representing the webhook endpoint.
  • A Connection also has a Source, which a webhook publisher should make an authenticated request to publish an event.

Getting Started

App Dependencies

Install the project dependencies:

npm i


Signup for Hookdeck, and from within a project, get your API key and signing secret from Settings -> Secrets.

Signup for Supabase, create a new project, and get your Supabase URL and Anon Key.

Add the credentials for Hookdeck and Supabase to a .env.local file along with a PUBLISH_KEY, which should be a unique key that enables webhooks to be triggered:

# Get these values from Project Settings -> Secrets in the Hookdeck Dashboard

# Generate a secure value for this key
# It is used to authenticate Supabase Database Webhook events

# Get these values from Project Settings -> Configuration -> API in the Supabase Dashboard

# Generate a secure value for this key
# It is used to authenticate the publishing of webhook events

Database and Hookdeck

Run the following to generate your database schema:

npm run setup

If you have not logged in with the Hookdeck CLI (a project dev dependency), you will do so when running the above command.

Copy the contents of supabase/schema.sql into the Supabase SQL editor and run it to create your schema.

Note: you may need to enable Database Webhooks for your project.

This includes creating a products table that can be used for testing using Supabase Database Webhooks as triggers for the SupaHooks outbound webhook notifications.


The project uses Server-Side Auth for Next.js. So, go to the Auth templates page in your dashboard. In the Confirm signup template, change {{ .ConfirmationURL }} to {{ .SiteURL }}/auth/confirm?token_hash={{ .TokenHash }}&type=signup.

Run SupaHooks

Run the development server:

npm run dev

In another terminal window, create a local tunnel with the Hookdeck CLI:

npm run hookdeck:local

Try out the app:

  • Open http://localhost:3000.
  • Sign up for an account.
  • Create a webhook. Hint: Create a new Hookdeck Connection to test receiving webhooks.
  • View the webhooks and send test payloads using the Test button.
  • Use the table editor in Supabase and add rows to the product table to trigger Database Webhooks.

Learn More