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Java Project Lvl1

Java Project Lvl1 is a collection of six CLI games that can be run in your terminal:

  • Greet
  • Even
  • Calc
  • GCD
  • Progression
  • Prime

This project is written with a focus on object-oriented programming. All games have a common base class (the Engine class), so adding a new game is quite simple. I use Gradle as a build automation tool and GitHub Actions as a continuous integration (CI) platform. I also use Make & Makefile for frequently used commands in order to save time.

Hexlet tests and linter status

Actions Status

GitHub Actions workflow status badge

Java CI

Maintainability badge from Code Climate


Game launch examples

Greet game

Greet gif

Asciinema URL

Even game

Even gif

Asciinema URL

Calc game

Calc gif

Asciinema URL

GDC game

GDC gif

Asciinema URL

Progression game

Progression gif

Asciinema URL

Prime game

Prime gif

Asciinema URL




make run-dist


make build

Run checkstyle

make lint

Check for Dependency Updates

make check-updates