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Day 7: cleanup
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horothesun committed Apr 1, 2024
1 parent a6a11b4 commit 7b7bfed
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Showing 2 changed files with 186 additions and 183 deletions.
360 changes: 181 additions & 179 deletions src/main/scala/Day7.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,188 +2,190 @@ import cats.{Order, Semigroup, SemigroupK}
import cats.implicits.*
import scala.util.Try
import HandType.*
import Day7.HandType.*

case class Strength(value: Int)
object Strength:
given Order[Strength] =
object Day7:

enum HandType:
case FiveOfAKind, FourOfAKind, FullHouse, ThreeOfAKind, TwoPairs, OnePair, HighCard
case class Strength(value: Int)
object Strength:
given Order[Strength] =

def strength: Strength = Strength(HandType.values.length - ordinal)
enum HandType:
case FiveOfAKind, FourOfAKind, FullHouse, ThreeOfAKind, TwoPairs, OnePair, HighCard

object HandType:
given Order[HandType] =
def strength: Strength = Strength(HandType.values.length - ordinal)

trait Comparator[A]:
def compare: (A, A) => Int
def toOrder: Order[A] = Order.from(compare)
object HandType:
given Order[HandType] =

object Comparator:
given SemigroupK[Comparator] = new SemigroupK[Comparator]:
override def combineK[A](x: Comparator[A], y: Comparator[A]): Comparator[A] = new Comparator[A]:
override def compare: (A, A) => Int = (al, ar) =>
val xCmp =, ar)
if (xCmp == 0), ar) else xCmp

enum CardLabel:
case A, K, Q, J, T, `9`, `8`, `7`, `6`, `5`, `4`, `3`, `2`

def strength: Strength = Strength(CardLabel.values.length - ordinal)

object CardLabel:
given Order[CardLabel] =

def parse(c: Char): Option[CardLabel] = Try(CardLabel.valueOf(s"$c")).toOption

case class Hand(c1: CardLabel, c2: CardLabel, c3: CardLabel, c4: CardLabel, c5: CardLabel):
lazy val handType: HandType =
List(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5).groupByNel(identity) match {
case 5 :: Nil => FiveOfAKind
case 4 :: _ => FourOfAKind
case 3 :: 2 :: Nil => FullHouse
case 3 :: _ => ThreeOfAKind
case 2 :: 2 :: _ => TwoPairs
case 2 :: _ => OnePair
case _ => HighCard

object Hand:
val handTypeComparator: Comparator[Hand] = new Comparator[Hand]:
override def compare: (Hand, Hand) => Int = (hl, hr) =>
if (hl.handType < hr.handType) -1 else if (hl.handType == hr.handType) 0 else 1
def nthCardComparator(nth: Hand => CardLabel): Comparator[Hand] = new Comparator[Hand]:
override def compare: (Hand, Hand) => Int = (hl, hr) =>
val nl = nth(hl)
val nr = nth(hr)
if (nl < nr) -1 else if (nl == nr) 0 else 1

given Semigroup[Comparator[Hand]] = SemigroupK[Comparator].algebra

given Order[Hand] =
List[Hand => CardLabel](_.c1, _.c2, _.c3, _.c4, _.c5).map(nthCardComparator)

def parse(s: String): Option[Hand] =
s.toList.traverse(CardLabel.parse).collect { case c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: c4 :: c5 :: Nil => Hand(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) }

case class Bid(value: Int)
object Bid:
def parse(s: String): Option[Bid] =

case class Rank(value: Int)

case class Win(value: Long)
object Win:
given Numeric[Win] = Numeric[Long].imap(Win.apply)(_.value)

def parseHandAndBid(s: String): Option[(Hand, Bid)] = s.split(' ') match
case Array(h, b) => (Hand.parse(h), Bid.parse(b)).tupled
case _ => None

def parseAllHandsAndBids(inputs: List[String]): Option[List[(Hand, Bid)]] = inputs.traverse(parseHandAndBid)

def withRanks(hbs: List[(Hand, Bid)]): List[(Hand, Bid, Rank)] =
hbs.sortBy((h, _) => h) { case ((h, b), i) => (h, b, Rank(1 + i)) }

def getTotalWinnings(hbs: List[(Hand, Bid)]): Win = withRanks(hbs).map((_, b, r) => Win(b.value * r.value)).sum

def getTotalWinnings(inputs: List[String]): Option[Win] = parseAllHandsAndBids(inputs).map(getTotalWinnings)

// part 2

enum CardLabelJ:
case A, K, Q, T, `9`, `8`, `7`, `6`, `5`, `4`, `3`, `2`, J

def strength: Strength = Strength(CardLabel.values.length - ordinal)

def toCardLabel: CardLabel = this match
case CardLabelJ.A => CardLabel.A
case CardLabelJ.K => CardLabel.K
case CardLabelJ.Q => CardLabel.Q
case CardLabelJ.T => CardLabel.T
case CardLabelJ.`9` => CardLabel.`9`
case CardLabelJ.`8` => CardLabel.`8`
case CardLabelJ.`7` => CardLabel.`7`
case CardLabelJ.`6` => CardLabel.`6`
case CardLabelJ.`5` => CardLabel.`5`
case CardLabelJ.`4` => CardLabel.`4`
case CardLabelJ.`3` => CardLabel.`3`
case CardLabelJ.`2` => CardLabel.`2`
case CardLabelJ.J => CardLabel.J

object CardLabelJ:
given Order[CardLabelJ] =

def from(c: CardLabel): CardLabelJ = c match
case CardLabel.A => CardLabelJ.A
case CardLabel.K => CardLabelJ.K
case CardLabel.Q => CardLabelJ.Q
case CardLabel.J => CardLabelJ.J
case CardLabel.T => CardLabelJ.T
case CardLabel.`9` => CardLabelJ.`9`
case CardLabel.`8` => CardLabelJ.`8`
case CardLabel.`7` => CardLabelJ.`7`
case CardLabel.`6` => CardLabelJ.`6`
case CardLabel.`5` => CardLabelJ.`5`
case CardLabel.`4` => CardLabelJ.`4`
case CardLabel.`3` => CardLabelJ.`3`
case CardLabel.`2` => CardLabelJ.`2`

case class HandJ(c1: CardLabelJ, c2: CardLabelJ, c3: CardLabelJ, c4: CardLabelJ, c5: CardLabelJ):
lazy val handType: HandType =
if (containsJ) => replaceJs(c).toHand.handType).toNel.fold(ifEmpty = HighCard)(_.maximum)
else toHand.handType

def containsJ: Boolean = List(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5).contains(CardLabelJ.J)

def replaceJs(newC: CardLabelJ): HandJ =
val j2NewC: CardLabelJ => CardLabelJ = c => if (c == CardLabelJ.J) newC else c
HandJ(j2NewC(c1), j2NewC(c2), j2NewC(c3), j2NewC(c4), j2NewC(c5))

def toHand: Hand = Hand(c1.toCardLabel, c2.toCardLabel, c3.toCardLabel, c4.toCardLabel, c5.toCardLabel)

object HandJ:
val handTypeComparator: Comparator[HandJ] = new Comparator[HandJ]:
override def compare: (HandJ, HandJ) => Int = (hl, hr) =>
if (hl.handType < hr.handType) -1 else if (hl.handType == hr.handType) 0 else 1
def nthCardComparator(nth: HandJ => CardLabelJ): Comparator[HandJ] = new Comparator[HandJ]:
override def compare: (HandJ, HandJ) => Int = (hl, hr) =>
val nl = nth(hl)
val nr = nth(hr)
if (nl < nr) -1 else if (nl == nr) 0 else 1

given Semigroup[Comparator[HandJ]] = SemigroupK[Comparator].algebra

given Order[HandJ] =
List[HandJ => CardLabelJ](_.c1, _.c2, _.c3, _.c4, _.c5).map(nthCardComparator)

def parse(s: String): Option[HandJ] = Hand.parse(s).map(from)

def from(h: Hand): HandJ = HandJ(

def parseHandJAndBid(s: String): Option[(HandJ, Bid)] = s.split(' ') match
case Array(h, b) => (HandJ.parse(h), Bid.parse(b)).tupled
case _ => None

def parseAllHandJsAndBids(inputs: List[String]): Option[List[(HandJ, Bid)]] = inputs.traverse(parseHandJAndBid)

def withRanksJ(hbs: List[(HandJ, Bid)]): List[(HandJ, Bid, Rank)] =
hbs.sortBy((h, _) => h) { case ((h, b), i) => (h, b, Rank(1 + i)) }

def getTotalWinningsJ(hbs: List[(HandJ, Bid)]): Win = withRanksJ(hbs).map((_, b, r) => Win(b.value * r.value)).sum

def getTotalWinningsJ(inputs: List[String]): Option[Win] = parseAllHandJsAndBids(inputs).map(getTotalWinningsJ)
trait Comparator[A]:
def compare: (A, A) => Int
def toOrder: Order[A] = Order.from(compare)

object Comparator:
given SemigroupK[Comparator] = new SemigroupK[Comparator]:
override def combineK[A](x: Comparator[A], y: Comparator[A]): Comparator[A] = new Comparator[A]:
override def compare: (A, A) => Int = (al, ar) =>
val xCmp =, ar)
if (xCmp == 0), ar) else xCmp

enum CardLabel:
case A, K, Q, J, T, `9`, `8`, `7`, `6`, `5`, `4`, `3`, `2`

def strength: Strength = Strength(CardLabel.values.length - ordinal)

object CardLabel:
given Order[CardLabel] =

def parse(c: Char): Option[CardLabel] = Try(CardLabel.valueOf(s"$c")).toOption

case class Hand(c1: CardLabel, c2: CardLabel, c3: CardLabel, c4: CardLabel, c5: CardLabel):
lazy val handType: HandType =
List(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5).groupByNel(identity) match {
case 5 :: Nil => FiveOfAKind
case 4 :: _ => FourOfAKind
case 3 :: 2 :: Nil => FullHouse
case 3 :: _ => ThreeOfAKind
case 2 :: 2 :: _ => TwoPairs
case 2 :: _ => OnePair
case _ => HighCard

object Hand:
val handTypeComparator: Comparator[Hand] = new Comparator[Hand]:
override def compare: (Hand, Hand) => Int = (hl, hr) =>
if (hl.handType < hr.handType) -1 else if (hl.handType == hr.handType) 0 else 1
def nthCardComparator(nth: Hand => CardLabel): Comparator[Hand] = new Comparator[Hand]:
override def compare: (Hand, Hand) => Int = (hl, hr) =>
val nl = nth(hl)
val nr = nth(hr)
if (nl < nr) -1 else if (nl == nr) 0 else 1

given Semigroup[Comparator[Hand]] = SemigroupK[Comparator].algebra

given Order[Hand] =
List[Hand => CardLabel](_.c1, _.c2, _.c3, _.c4, _.c5).map(nthCardComparator)

def parse(s: String): Option[Hand] =
s.toList.traverse(CardLabel.parse).collect { case c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: c4 :: c5 :: Nil => Hand(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) }

case class Bid(value: Int)
object Bid:
def parse(s: String): Option[Bid] =

case class Rank(value: Int)

case class Win(value: Long)
object Win:
given Numeric[Win] = Numeric[Long].imap(Win.apply)(_.value)

def parse(input: String): Option[(Hand, Bid)] = input.split(' ') match
case Array(h, b) => (Hand.parse(h), Bid.parse(b)).tupled
case _ => None

def parse(inputs: List[String]): Option[List[(Hand, Bid)]] = inputs.traverse(parse)

def withRanks(hbs: List[(Hand, Bid)]): List[(Hand, Bid, Rank)] =
hbs.sortBy((h, _) => h) { case ((h, b), i) => (h, b, Rank(1 + i)) }

def getTotalWinnings(hbs: List[(Hand, Bid)]): Win = withRanks(hbs).map((_, b, r) => Win(b.value * r.value)).sum

def getTotalWinnings(inputs: List[String]): Option[Win] = parse(inputs).map(getTotalWinnings)

// part 2

enum CardLabelJ:
case A, K, Q, T, `9`, `8`, `7`, `6`, `5`, `4`, `3`, `2`, J

def strength: Strength = Strength(CardLabel.values.length - ordinal)

def toCardLabel: CardLabel = this match
case CardLabelJ.A => CardLabel.A
case CardLabelJ.K => CardLabel.K
case CardLabelJ.Q => CardLabel.Q
case CardLabelJ.T => CardLabel.T
case CardLabelJ.`9` => CardLabel.`9`
case CardLabelJ.`8` => CardLabel.`8`
case CardLabelJ.`7` => CardLabel.`7`
case CardLabelJ.`6` => CardLabel.`6`
case CardLabelJ.`5` => CardLabel.`5`
case CardLabelJ.`4` => CardLabel.`4`
case CardLabelJ.`3` => CardLabel.`3`
case CardLabelJ.`2` => CardLabel.`2`
case CardLabelJ.J => CardLabel.J

object CardLabelJ:
given Order[CardLabelJ] =

def from(c: CardLabel): CardLabelJ = c match
case CardLabel.A => CardLabelJ.A
case CardLabel.K => CardLabelJ.K
case CardLabel.Q => CardLabelJ.Q
case CardLabel.J => CardLabelJ.J
case CardLabel.T => CardLabelJ.T
case CardLabel.`9` => CardLabelJ.`9`
case CardLabel.`8` => CardLabelJ.`8`
case CardLabel.`7` => CardLabelJ.`7`
case CardLabel.`6` => CardLabelJ.`6`
case CardLabel.`5` => CardLabelJ.`5`
case CardLabel.`4` => CardLabelJ.`4`
case CardLabel.`3` => CardLabelJ.`3`
case CardLabel.`2` => CardLabelJ.`2`

case class HandJ(c1: CardLabelJ, c2: CardLabelJ, c3: CardLabelJ, c4: CardLabelJ, c5: CardLabelJ):
lazy val handType: HandType =
if (containsJ) => replaceJs(c).toHand.handType).toNel.fold(ifEmpty = HighCard)(_.maximum)
else toHand.handType

def containsJ: Boolean = List(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5).contains(CardLabelJ.J)

def replaceJs(newC: CardLabelJ): HandJ =
val j2NewC: CardLabelJ => CardLabelJ = c => if (c == CardLabelJ.J) newC else c
HandJ(j2NewC(c1), j2NewC(c2), j2NewC(c3), j2NewC(c4), j2NewC(c5))

def toHand: Hand = Hand(c1.toCardLabel, c2.toCardLabel, c3.toCardLabel, c4.toCardLabel, c5.toCardLabel)

object HandJ:
val handTypeComparator: Comparator[HandJ] = new Comparator[HandJ]:
override def compare: (HandJ, HandJ) => Int = (hl, hr) =>
if (hl.handType < hr.handType) -1 else if (hl.handType == hr.handType) 0 else 1
def nthCardComparator(nth: HandJ => CardLabelJ): Comparator[HandJ] = new Comparator[HandJ]:
override def compare: (HandJ, HandJ) => Int = (hl, hr) =>
val nl = nth(hl)
val nr = nth(hr)
if (nl < nr) -1 else if (nl == nr) 0 else 1

given Semigroup[Comparator[HandJ]] = SemigroupK[Comparator].algebra

given Order[HandJ] =
List[HandJ => CardLabelJ](_.c1, _.c2, _.c3, _.c4, _.c5).map(nthCardComparator)

def parse(s: String): Option[HandJ] = Hand.parse(s).map(from)

def from(h: Hand): HandJ = HandJ(

def parseJ(input: String): Option[(HandJ, Bid)] = input.split(' ') match
case Array(h, b) => (HandJ.parse(h), Bid.parse(b)).tupled
case _ => None

def parseJ(inputs: List[String]): Option[List[(HandJ, Bid)]] = inputs.traverse(parseJ)

def withRanksJ(hbs: List[(HandJ, Bid)]): List[(HandJ, Bid, Rank)] =
hbs.sortBy((h, _) => h) { case ((h, b), i) => (h, b, Rank(1 + i)) }

def getTotalWinningsJ(hbs: List[(HandJ, Bid)]): Win = withRanksJ(hbs).map((_, b, r) => Win(b.value * r.value)).sum

def getTotalWinningsJ(inputs: List[String]): Option[Win] = parseJ(inputs).map(getTotalWinningsJ)
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/test/scala/Day7Suite.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import cats.implicits.*
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
import CardLabel.*
import Day7.*
import Day7.CardLabel.*
import Day7.HandType.*
import Day7Suite.*
import HandType.*

class Day7Suite extends ScalaCheckSuite:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,11 +82,11 @@ class Day7Suite extends ScalaCheckSuite:

test("parse \"32T3K 765\" input line") {
assertEquals(parseHandAndBid("32T3K 765"), Some(Hand(`3`, `2`, T, `3`, K), Bid(765)))
assertEquals(Day7.parse("32T3K 765"), Some(Hand(`3`, `2`, T, `3`, K), Bid(765)))

test("big input hands are all distinct") {
val distinctHandsCount = parseAllHandsAndBids(bigInput).map(_.groupBy((h, _) => h).keys.size)
val distinctHandsCount = Day7.parse(bigInput).map(_.groupBy((h, _) => h).keys.size)
assertEquals(distinctHandsCount, Some(bigInput.length))

Expand Down

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