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A grid-like environment (multi-agent system) used by an intelligent agent (or more than one agent) in order for it/them to carry the orbs to the pits in a limited number of movements.

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Pits and Orbs Environment as a Multi-Agent System


A simple game written from scratch in Python having two modes: Terminal Printing and PyGame Window Rendering. To switch between these modes simply change the following argument: pygame_mode=True to have a nice PyGame window enabling you to play the game manually; this argument can be changed from game.pits_and_orbs.PitsAndOrbs initializer pygame_mode argument. Or, render_mode="human" argument from environment.pits_and_orbs_env.PitsAndOrbsEnv and utils.make_env function.

The game directory contains files and codes only for game object and is not suitable for RL projects. On the contrary, environment directory contains gym environment version of the game which has certain properties to be used for Reinforcement Learning algorithms. You can install the game on windows with the installer located in the dist directory.

The goal of the game is for the player to move the orbs to the pits in order to fill them all; that's just it. Be aware that the game is a non-deterministic environment since there is 10 percent chance of a random, not filling orb is thrown to a random direction into an empty cell after the player fills a pit with an orb. The game's properties can be set to values other than their default to have a distinct game. For example, the size of the game (its grid shape), the number of orbs (orb_num), the number of pits (pit_num), the number of teams (team_num) to devide the players, and, even, the number of players (player_num) can be changed by the game's initializer. The player_num > 1 means the game will be a multi-agent system that the agents will try to cooperate with eachother to fill the pits, or they will be competing with eachother if the team_num > 1 is true. Note that when there are more than one player in a team, it means that the players in a team need to cooperate while competing against other team(s). The only thing that makes the environment a bit hard to solve is the limited number of movements that each player can take; the default value of max_movements is 30. In this environment movements is counted only through actual position changes for a player, but not the direction changes, picking orb up, putting orb down, or throwing orb away since these are called steps in RL.

The challenging part of training an agent is that this environment is partially observable which means that the agent only has access to its eight neighbors, but not the whole state board (a 2D array). A memory is implemented to appease this matter (game.memory.Memory). The memory tries to update each new cells that the agent sees (it sees them because they're its neighbors), and this memory is unique for each team. That being said, the argument return_obs_type (for the game's initializer, environment's initializer, or utils.make_env function) can take three inputs to change the output (the observation): "partial obs", "full state", or "neighbors". The first one makes the game or environment return the memory of the agent(s) from reset or step functions. The second one makes them to return the entire table (array) of the game. The third one makes them to return only the 8 neighbors of the player.

The environment only allows players (or agents) to take 5 types of actions: Turn Right - Move Forward - Pick Orb Up - Put Orb Down - Throw Orb Away; the last action is only available when team_num > 1 since it makes the environemtn competitive. It is obvious that Move Forward action means the player moves to the next cell in the direction that it is in without crossing the boundaries. The action Throw Orb Away means the player to throw an orb out of a pit. Different values for the actions are:

Action Value
Turn Right 0
Move Forward 1
Pick Orb Up 2
Put Orb Down 3
Throw Orb Away 4

Different values for player direction are:

Direction Value
West 0
North 1
East 2
South 3

Finally, different values for cell type are (valid values that are stored in a numpy array of a certain size that indicate existence of different situations in that position):

Cell Type Value
Nothing 0
Player 1
Orb 2
Pit 3
Player & Orb 4
Player & Pit 5
Orb & Pit 6
Player & Orb & Pit 7

The environment outputs an observation object as an OrderedDict from step function and reset function; its structure is as follows:

    "board": ..., 
    f"player{i}_movements": ..., 
    f"player{i}_direction": ..., 
    f"player{i}_has_orb": ..., 
    f"player{i}_position": ..., 
    f"filled_pits_positions": ..., 
    "player_turn": ..., 

Index i refer to the index of the player in the current team playing. This is the sharing mechanism in each team, and the other meachanism is their shared memory. The key board is a numpy array depending on the return_obs_type argument. Player0_movements, player0_direction, player0_has_orb, and player0_position are characteristics of the player index 0 in the current team. There would be more keys if the current team has more than one player in it. player0_position is only available when the team has more than one player, the environment has more than one team, or return_board_type is set to positions. filled_pits_positions is a list of all pits positions filled by the current team playing, and if a pit is not filled by the current team, its postion is returned by a constant value of grid_size. This key is only available when there are more than one team. At last, player turn determines which player has to play next (the index of the player in the current team). This key is available when there are more than one player in the current team.

To build the game simply use the following:

python game/ build

or create an installer while building the game:

python game/ bdist_msi

If the pygame_with_help argument is set to True, the PyGame window will have extra height to show players' movements and a guide to what every possible coloring and shapes mean. For illustration purposes, pygame_with_help=True is set and shown below:


In the ./wrappers/ directory, five distinct wrappers are implemented to appease the usage of the environment for rl algorithms. wrappers.steps_limit.StepsLimit truncates the episode if the agent exceeds a certain limit, and it can return a negative reward for that matter. The wrappers wrappers.onehot_observation.OnehotObservation, wrappers.normalize_observation.NormalizeObservation, and wrappers.concat_observation.ConcatObservation get a list of strings as the keys for the observation dictionary in order to know what values to manipulate. OnehotObservation onehotes the parts of the observation dictionary that their keys are passed in and doesn't take any action on other parts. NormalizeObservation normalizes the parts of the observation dictionary that their keys are passed in to a value between 0 and 1 and doesn't take any action on other parts. ConcatObservation concatenates the parts of the observation dictionary that their keys are passed in and blocks other parts. wrappers.self_play_wrapper.SelfPlayWrapper comes in handy only when the environment is competitive, and we are trying to solve it with the help of self-play algorithm implemented in the rl.agent.Agent class. This wrapper sets an agent as the opponent of the first team which helps us to interact with this environment.

Reward Function

Two distinct reward functions are implemented, one of which is sparse and the other isn't. By the arguments reward_function_type and reward_function, the reward function of the game can be changed. reward_function can get any dictionary having keys like the table. The situations (keys) and their values for the two implemented reward functions are as follows:

Situation Flag Reward Function Type 0 Values Reward Function Type 1 Values
cumulative reward coef 1. 1.
turned right 0. -0.1
tried to move forward and moved forward 0. 0.
tried to move forward but stayed 0. 0.
tried to move forward 0. -0.1
tried to move forward to cell type 1 0. 0.
tried to move forward to cell type 2 0. 0.
tried to pick orb up with already having another orb 0. -0.1
tried to pick orb up in cell type 4 0. 0.
tried to pick orb up in cell types other than 4 0. -0.1
tried to put orb down without having an orb 0. -0.1
tried to put orb down on cell type 1 0. -0.1
tried to put orb down on cell type 4 0. -0.1
tried to put orb down on cell type 5 1. 1.
tried to put orb down on cell type 7 0. -0.1
tried to throw another team's orb away in cell type 7 1. 1.
tried to throw its team's orb away in cell type 7 -1. -1.
tried to throw orb away in cell types other than 7 0. -0.1
the player has depleted its movements 0. -0.1
episode is done successfully 1. 1.
episode is done unsuccessfully 0. -1.
episode is not done 0. 0.

Loading the Project

To load the project use the following logic:

git clone --depth 1
cd "Pits-and-Orbs"

If you are going to use the project in a headless server like Google Colab, try installing a virtual display as the following (this is only the case if you are trying to run an agent in the environment and create a .gif file from the frames of the PyGame window since PyGame needs a display to render its frames):

apt-get install swig cmake ffmpeg
apt install python-opengl
apt install ffmpeg
apt install xvfb
pip3 install pyvirtualdisplay

Then, use the following piece of code in Python (like Colab) to create a virtual display before any of the project's codes:

from pyvirtualdisplay import Display

virtual_display = Display(visible=0, size=(1400, 900))


To use the game and its environment you can install the below necessary dependencies in a new virtual environment (all the materials are tested in Python=3.10.10), but these do not include the usages for RL agents. First create and activate a new environment or just skip this part (if you are using a headless server like Colab make sure to go through with the last section's guide in your dev environment).

python venv -env pao_env
source pao_env/bin/activate

Then, install project's dependencies for rendering it on a PyGame window.

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

To use RL models you should either install TensorFlow or Stable Baselines3 which uses PyTorch. As a result, TensorFlow models require you to check this link ( or:

python -m pip install tensorflow==2.10.0

And stable-baselines3 requires you to firstly install PyTorch ( then:

python -m pip install stable-baselines3==1.8.0 tensorboard

Making the Environment

There two options to make an instance of gym-environemnt of the game. First, as mentioned above, you can use utils.make_env to create a new instance of the enironment. This option gives you access to changing various game class arguments, plus a couple of observation wrappers to appease environment usages for RL algorithms. Secondly, just use gym.make api as below considering that kwargs give you access to game class arguments:

import gym

import environment

env = gym.make("EchineF/PitsAndOrbs-v0", **kwargs)
# or
env = gym.make("EchineF/PitsAndOrbs-two-players-v0", **kwargs)

In the wrappers directory, there various useful observation wrappers to make the returned observations more valueable for RL algorithms. You can use them manually or just set the appropriate argument for the utils.make_env function. For instance, wrappers.onehot_observation.OnehotObservation onehots each of the arrays in the ordereddict output; this wrapper makes it easier for a neural network to understand observations.

CLI Usage

The CLI is used for running or training RL models on the environment. Be aware that -r or --run means to run the model on the environment according to the ./configs/#/run.yaml, and save the frames in a .gif file. Also, -t or --train means to train a new model according to the ./configs/#/train.yaml settings.

python . [--run or --train] "config file path"

For more information use CLI's help command:

python . -h

For headless servers write this line of command before the CLI above in the same line (make sure you have installed xfvb thoroughly):

xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1400x900x24"

After using the --train flag to train a model, you can trace training metrics via tensorbaord if the the model is training by an algorithm written in stable-baselines3.

tensorboard --logdir=./logs

.gif file example

If you had installed the project properly, and used the CLI the right way, you should have a similar .gif file as below:

Available Deep RL Models

For the first phase of the project (single agent playing in the 5x5 grid with 30 movement limit and a memory of its past confrontations with its 8 neighbors), there are three different models in ./models/ directory and their correspondig config files are in ./configs/.

Sample Notebooks

There are sample notebooks in ./notebooks/. Further use cases are implemented there. You can check them out.


Temporarily positions option is deactivated for furthur debugging.

Add documentation to the entire project.

Add new models.

Add the support for gymnasium api.

Write about rl directory in