GitHubUsers is a sample Android project using GitHub Rest API based on MVVM architecture. It showcases the latest Android tech stacks with well-designed architecture and best practices
Using this app you can search for users and See the details of a user and add him to your favourites
100% Kotlin
MVVM architecture
Android Architecture Components
Navigation Component
Kotlin Coroutines
KotlinFlow + StateFlow
Single activity pattern
Dependency injection
Retrofit + OkHttp - RESTful API and networking client.
Hilt - Dependency injection.
RoomDB - Save data in a local database using Room.
Material Design - Material Components are interactive building blocks for creating a user interface.
ViewBinding - View binding is a feature that allows you to more easily write code that interacts with views
Android Architecture Components - A collections of libraries that help you design rebust, testable and maintainable apps.
ViewModel - UI related data holder, lifecycle aware.
Navigation component - Fragment routing handler
Coroutines - Concurrency design pattern for asynchronous programming.
Flow - Stream of value that returns from suspend function.
Coil - Image loading
View : Activity/Fragment with UI-specific logics only.
ViewModel : It keeps the logic away from View layer, provides data streams for UI and handle user interactions
Model : Repository pattern, data layers that provide interface to manipulate data from both the local and remote data sources. The local data sources will serve as single source of truth
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