An open source implementation of SAM that drives jetways and provides VDGS and Marshaller service.
Jonathan Harris (aka Marginal) ( for creating Autogate
@Papickx + @cxn0026 for providing better textures and day + night lighting
Please observe that this material is covered by various licenses.
-- copy of license remark from ---
The plugin code in the src directory is licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1 license.
The rest of the kit is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license. In short, you can use any part of this kit (including the 3D objects and their textures) in original or modified form in a free or commerical scenery package, but you must give the author credit. "8 royalty-free reverse-beep sound effects"
This is in part a derived work from Autogate so the above mentioned licenses apply accordingly to the components of this project.
The build process is performed on msys2 with the mingw64 personality.
Install expat with "pacman -S expat"
For the XP11 version a linkable OpenAL32.dll was obtained as follows:
- get copy of libOpenAL32.dll e.g. from XP11's dll folder
- pick libOpenAL's include/AL header files, e.g. from the msys2 system
- run within a msys2 shell:
gendef OpenAL32.dll
dlltool -d OpenAL32.def -D OpenAL32.dll -k -a -l libopenal32.a -v
make -f Makefile.mgw64
make -f Makefile.lin64
The build process is performed on Linux with an osxcross environment.
Install expat, -arm64 installs universal libraries. "-s" install static libraries only.
export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12.0 omp install -s -arm64 expat
make -f Makefile.osxcross
port install expat +universal
make -f Makefile.mac64