Hotovo s.r.o.
Mule 3.5.x or higher
JIRA 5.2 or higher
JIRA Rest API 5.2 or higher
This example application shows simplified use of the JIRA Rest Connector. It serves as a simple example about how to automatically create Issues from file input. It periodically polls a folder for new files and automatically creates issues from file input. The section immediately below describes the functions of each of the flows in the application.
This example assumes that you are familiar with Mule, the Anypoint Studio interface, Global Elements, DataSense, and the DataMapper transformer. Further, it is assumed that you are familiar with JIRA and have a JIRA account. Learn more about flows and subflows to gain more insight into the design of this example.
Follow these simple steps to get this example running
First thing to know if you are a newcomer to Mule is where to get the tools.
Mule Studio offers several ways to import a project into the workspace, for instance:
- Anypoint Studio generated Deployable Archive (.zip)
- Anypoint Studio Project from External Location
- Maven-based Mule Project from pom.xml
- Mule ESB Configuration XML from External Location
You can find a detailed description on how to do so in this Documentation Page.
Once you have imported this example into Anypoint Studio you need to follow these steps to run it:
- install Jira Rest Connector into Anypoint Studio Installing connector
- Locate the properties file
, in src/main/resources - Complete all the properties required as per the examples in the section Properties to be configured
- Update issue-input.csv from src/main/resources accordingly. Project key
should be replaced with some existig Project key in your JIRA instance. - Copy issue-input.csv from src/main/resources into your 'directory.source' folder
- Once that is done, right click on project folder
- Hover you mouse over
"Run as"
- Click on
"Mule Application"
The following sections details how to use and install this module under different scenarios / environments. To make the module available to a Mavenized Mule application, first add the following repositories to your POM:
<name>MuleSoft Repository</name>
<name>MuleSoft Snapshot Repository</name>
Then add the module as a dependency to your project. This can be done by adding the following under the dependencies element your POM:
or if you want to be on the bleeding edge
If you plan to use this module inside a Mule application, you need add it to the packaging process. That way the final ZIP file which will contain your flows and Java code will also contain this module and its dependencies. Add an special inclusion to the configuration of the Mule Maven plugin for this module as follows:
In order make this example running you need to configure properties (Credentials, configurations, etc.) in file
### JIRA
This section contains a brief description about how this example works. Flow configuration file is separated in three disctinct flows to make it more readable.
Inbound File connector periodically polls a directory for a new csv file in following structure Please note that you should replace "MULETEST" to a valid Project key for your JIRA instance to run the flow correctly.
Summary 1,Description for first issue,1,3,MULETEST
Datamapper then converts each row fetched from the csv file to a map element. Each map element servers as input map for inserting new issue into configured Jira instance. Result of the operation is logged to console.
<mule xmlns:data-mapper="" xmlns:file="" xmlns:context="" xmlns:jirarest="" xmlns="" xmlns:doc=""
xmlns:spring="" version="EE-3.6.1"
<context:property-placeholder location="" />
<jirarest:config-type name="JiraRest" username="${jira.username}" password="${jira.password}" serverUrl="${}" doc:name="JiraRest"/>
<data-mapper:config name="CSV_To_Issue" transformationGraphPath="csv_to_issue.grf" doc:name="CSV_To_Issue"/>
<flow name="mainFlow" >
<file:inbound-endpoint path="${directory.source}" moveToDirectory="${}" responseTimeout="10000" doc:name="File"/>
<data-mapper:transform config-ref="CSV_To_Issue" doc:name="CSV To Issue"/>
<foreach doc:name="For Each">
<jirarest:issues-issue-create config-ref="JiraRest" entityType="Issue" doc:name="insert Issue">
<jirarest:payload ref="#[payload]"/>
<logger message="#[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="log response"/>
<exception-strategy ref="default-exception-strategy" doc:name="Reference Exception Strategy"/>
<catch-exception-strategy name="default-exception-strategy">
<logger message="#[payload]" level="ERROR" doc:name="Log exception"/>
We use JIRA for tracking issues with this connector. You can report new issues at this location