When you are writing a service, maybe you need to be able to save a piece of JSON data to your system's memory.
Expire aims to make using cache as convenient as possible.
There are three ways to create a cache, which are MemoryCache, RedisCache or MemcachedCache.
pip install expire
pip install git+https://github.com/howie6879/expire.git
MemoryCache: easy to configure, but it automatically destroys when the server is stopped.
from expire import CacheSetting, MemoryCache
memory_cache = MemoryCache()
memory_cache.set('name', 'expire')
cache_ins = CacheSetting()
# Output: expire
RedisCache: stable but you have to install Redis.
from expire import Settings
from expire import RedisCache, cached, CacheSetting
class MySettings(Settings):
Create custom configuration
cache = {
# RedisCache, MemoryCache or MemcachedCache
'cache_class': RedisCache,
'cache_config': {
'host': '',
'port': 6379,
'db': 0,
'password': None
# JsonSerializer, PickleSerializer or StrSerializer
'serializer': None
@cached(**MySettings.cache, ttl=1000)
def parse(url, params=None, **kwargs):
return "{0}: {1}".format(url, 'hello')
def cached_by_redis(key):
cache_ins = CacheSetting(MySettings)
return cache_ins.get(key)
key = 'expire'
result = parse(url=key, dynamic_key=key)
# Output 'expire: hello'
# Output 'expire: hello'