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Elsa Gonsiorowski, PhD edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 1 revision

This page should capture some of the use cases we have encountered. Each use case may, or may-not, include specific details about the incident. If you need help or would like to suggest a use case, please create an issue.

Data Migration (by User)

This is one of the most common use cases. Many LC users have had to migrate from one file system to another. While dsync is the recommended tool, dcp can also be used. With either tool, the use of dcmp is recommended to ensure the data has been successfully copied.

dsync For Data Movement

dsync can be very effective for data migration and there are a few options that users should make note of:

  • The --batch-files N option can be group sets of N files during the migration. This acts as a “checkpoint” and allows dsync to make effective progress over multiple job allocations.
  • The --contents option can be used to perform a byte-by-byte comparison between files in the source and destination. If option is not used, the comparison is done based on file size and last modified time.
  • The --delete option can be to delete files in the destination that do not appear in the source location.

dcp For Data Movement

Before starting the copy, users should run dwalk on the source location to get an estimate of how many items and how much data must be migrated. To avoid having to do another walk when using the next tool, cache the file hierarchy using the --output FILE flag.

Use dcp -p to copy the files from the source location to the destination. As with all the tools, be sure to use multiple nodes with many MPI ranks per node; scaling up to 4 nodes is typically beneficial.

dcp flags:

  • The -p, or --preserve, option will ensure that the files at the destination have the same permissions, group, timestamps, and extended attributes.
  • Use the --input FILE to read the cached file hierarchy data from step 1.

dcmp For Verification

Ensure all data was successfully copied with dcmp. Use the --lite option to use a light-weight comparison based on file size and last modified time. Without this option, dcmp does a byte-to-byte comparison between each file in the source and destination.

Display Disk Usage, similar to du

See the usage of dsh as described in hpc/mpifileutils#249.

Sorting files and figuring out what files exist

See dwalk --sort option.

Data Migration (by System Administrator)

The great sierra migration by @gonsie was an example of this use case. Data migration by done by a system administrator (acting as individual users). The general process was:

  1. Use dwalk to determine the amount of data to move.
  2. Use dcp to perform copy, with resources allocated depending on dwalk results.
  3. Use dcmp --lite to confirm success and find any new data at source.
  4. Use dsync for any users with differences.


  1. The dsync tool deleted new data in the destination directory. This data was lost. As of v0.9, dsync no longer defaults to deleting data at the destination.

LC Auto-delete script

LC parallel file systems operate with a quota policy: a user may only use a limited amount of space within the file system. To help users manage their data, a special directory 0_LC_AutoDelete is placed in each user’s directory. Data moved to this location is automatically cleaned up via a script running drm.

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