Part of my daily plan for studying algorithms and data structures in C. Inspired by Google Interview University of John Washam.
- ArrayList (Automatically Resizing Vector)
- Linked List (Singly)
- Linked List (Doubly)
- Stack (Array)
- Stack (Linked List)
- Queue (Array)
- Queue (Linked List)
- Hash Table (Double Hashing)
- Hash Table (Linear Probing)
- Hash Table (Quadratic Probing)
- Binary Search
- Bitwise Operations
- Binary Search Trees: BSTs
- AVL Tree
- Splay Tree
- Red/Black Tree
- 2-3 Tree
- 2-3-4 Tree
- B Tree
- Heap
- Priority Queue
- Binary Heap
- Traversals: preorder, inorder, postorder, BFS, DFS
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Heap Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Directed Graph
- Undirected Graph
- Adjacency matrix
- Adjacency list
- Traversals: BFS, DFS