Basically this package is the codebird-js library (by mynetx) found at wrapped in a package structure conforming with the meteor.js guidelines.
However it has been necessary to make certain changes to codebird-js in order to make the library work with meteor as intended.
It is still very much work in progress and anyone should of course feel free to contribute, comment or fork this project as needed.
To include the package in your meteor project, clone this repository into the root of you app at appname/packages/ so the sctructure of your app looks somewhat like this:
├── .meteor
├── client
├── packages
| └── twitter_client
| ├── package.js
| ├── codebird.js
| └── sha1.js
└── server
Example of use:
* see Codebird.js line 524 ff. for method definitions.
* Here 'user' is the user object but could vary depending on use
* 'params' is the params needed for each API method. Search to find the params
* needed for the given method
Meteor.doRequest = function(method, user, params) {
//Create new codebird object
var bird = new Codebird();
//Consumer your consumer keys - see for more info
bird.setConsumerKey(consumerKey, consumerKeySecret);
//Consumer user keys. Found in the user collection where they are set when a user logs in through Twitter
bird.setConsumerKey(oauth_consumer_key, oauth_consumer_secret);
//Make the call. Note that the third parameter 'user._id' is a personal leftover.
//I will probably exclude it completely sometime.
bird.__call(method, params, user._id, function(reply, uid, method_template){
console.log('Codebird callback error:');
} else {
Meteor.codebirdCallback(reply, user, method_template);