This library enables json-data for Spring Boot including serialization, validation and error handling. The following example illustrates integration with Spring Boot, Spring Feign and Spring Sleuth.
class Application {
static class Request extends JsonEntity<Request> {
String getOwner() {
return getString("owner");
static class Response extends JsonEntity<Response> {
static class GithubController {
static JsonMapper<Response> TO_RESPONSE = JsonMapper.create(
JsonResources.readResource("/response-projection.json"), Response::new);
GithubClient githubClient;
value = "/list-repositories",
consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public Response listRepositories(@RequestBody Request request) {
var repositories = githubClient.listRepositories(request.getOwner());
@FeignClient(name = "github-client", url = "${github.url}")
interface GithubClient {
value = "/users/{owner}/repos",
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
List<JsonBean> listRepositories(@PathVariable("owner") String owner);
CorrelationSource sleuthSource(Tracer tracer) {
return () -> tracer.currentSpan().context().traceId();
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Use ValidateRequest
to validate inbound JSON entities.
Use ValidateResponse
to validate outbound JSON entities.
Provide ValidatorSource
to configure a resource manager for validators.
Use WrapErrors
to wrap all unhandled exceptions into ServiceException
Provide CorrelationSource
to enable correlations for error responses.