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3X-UI Metrics Exporter

GitHub Release DockerHub GitHub License

3X-UI Metrics Exporter is a comprehensive tool designed to collect and export metrics from the 3X-UI Web Panel. This exporter provides detailed monitoring capabilities for various aspects of your 3X-UI, including node status, traffic flow, system performance, and user activity, making all data readily available for integration with the Prometheus monitoring system.


  • Online Monitoring: Tracks the number of online users across your 3X-UI instance.
  • Traffic Metrics: Monitors total uploaded and downloaded bytes per client or inbound.
  • 3X-UI Monitoring: Provides detailed XRay version information and additional operational metrics from 3X-UI.
  • Version and Start Time Information: Delivers core version information and confirms whether the core service has started successfully.
  • Flexible Configuration Options: Supports customization through environment variables, command-line arguments, and YAML configuration files, providing maximum flexibility for different deployment scenarios.
  • Multi-Architecture Support: Features Docker images for multiple architectures, including AMD64 and ARM64, ensuring compatibility across diverse deployment environments.
  • Enhanced Security: Offers optional BasicAuth protection for the metrics endpoint, providing an additional layer of security for sensitive monitoring data.
  • Seamless Prometheus Integration: Designed to work flawlessly with Prometheus, enabling straightforward setup and configuration for comprehensive 3X-UI panel monitoring.
  • Comprehensive VPN Monitoring: Simplifies the monitoring and management of VPN services by providing a rich set of metrics, significantly improving visibility into system performance and user activity.


Below is a table of the metrics provided by 3X-UI Metrics Exporter.


Users metrics, such as online:

Name Description
x_ui_total_online_users Total number of online users.


Clients metrics (params: id, email):

Name Description
x_ui_client_up_bytes Total uploaded bytes per client.
x_ui_client_down_bytes Total downloaded bytes per client.


Inbounds metrics (params: id, remark):

Name Description
x_ui_inbound_up_bytes Total uploaded bytes per inbound.
x_ui_inbound_down_bytes Total downloaded bytes per inbound.


System metrics (version param for x_ui_xray_version):

Name Description
x_ui_xray_version XRay version used by 3X-UI.
x_ui_panel_threads 3X-UI panel threads.
x_ui_panel_memory 3X-UI panel memory usage.
x_ui_panel_uptime 3X-UI panel uptime.


3X-UI Metrics Exporter can be configured using environment variables, command-line arguments, or a YAML configuration file. These are alternative methods of configuration, and you should choose one approach for your deployment.

Below is a table of configuration options:

Variable Name Command-Line Argument Required Default Value Description
CONFIG_FILE --config-file No N/A Path to YAML configuration file. When provided, CLI flags are ignored.
PANEL_BASE_URL --panel-base-url Yes https://<your-panel-url> URL of the 3X-UI management panel.
PANEL_USERNAME --panel-username Yes <your-panel-username> Username for the 3X-UI panel.
PANEL_PASSWORD --panel-password Yes <your-panel-password> Password for the 3X-UI panel.
METRICS_PORT --metrics-port No 9090 Port for the metrics server.
METRICS_PROTECTED --metrics-protected No false Enable BasicAuth protection for metrics endpoint.
METRICS_USERNAME --metrics-username No metricsUser Username for BasicAuth, effective if METRICS_PROTECTED is true.
METRICS_PASSWORD --metrics-password No MetricsVeryHardPassword Password for BasicAuth, effective if METRICS_PROTECTED is true.
UPDATE_INTERVAL --update-interval No 30 Interval (in seconds) for metrics update.
TIMEZONE --timezone No UTC Timezone for correct time display.

YAML Configuration

You can use a YAML configuration file to configure the exporter by providing the --config-file flag. When using a configuration file, all settings are read from the file and any command-line arguments are ignored. The YAML configuration file should contain the same parameters as the command-line arguments, but in YAML format.

A sample configuration file config-example.yaml is provided with the project, which you can use as a template for your own configuration. The structure of the YAML file matches the command-line arguments.

Example YAML configuration:

# 3X-UI panel connection details
panel-base-url: "https://your-panel-url"
panel-username: "your-panel-username"
panel-password: "your-panel-password"

# General settings
update-interval: 30
timezone: "UTC"

# Metrics server configuration
metrics-port: 9090
metrics-protected: false
metrics-username: "metricsUser"
metrics-password: "MetricsVeryHardPassword"

Note: When using a configuration file with the --config-file flag, all settings are taken from the configuration file, and any other command-line arguments are ignored.


There are several ways to install and run the 3X-UI Metrics Exporter, each tailored to different environments and deployment preferences. Select the installation method that aligns best with your infrastructure requirements:

Automatic Installation Script (Recommended)

The easiest way to install the exporter is using our automatic installation script, which:

bash <(curl -fsSL

During installation, you'll be prompted to enter:

  1. Your 3X-UI panel URL
  2. Admin username
  3. Admin password

Note: The script will validate your credentials to ensure they work with your panel.

After installation, the service will be running automatically. You can manage it with:

sudo systemctl status x-ui-exporter    # Check status
sudo systemctl restart x-ui-exporter   # Restart service
sudo systemctl stop x-ui-exporter      # Stop service

Manual CLI Installation

If you prefer manual installation, download the latest binary from the releases page for your architecture.

Running with command-line arguments:

./x-ui-exporter --panel-base-url="https://your-panel-url" \
                --panel-username="your-panel-username" \

Running with a configuration file:

  1. Create a config.yaml file based on the example configuration
  2. Run the exporter:
./x-ui-exporter --config-file=config.yaml

Important: The configuration file approach and command-line arguments cannot be combined. When using a configuration file, any command-line arguments are ignored.

Docker Installation

Running with Docker provides an optimal solution for containerized environments, offering simplified deployment and streamlined updates.

Using Docker Run:

docker run -d \
  --name x-ui-exporter \
  -e PANEL_BASE_URL="https://your-panel-url" \
  -e PANEL_USERNAME="your-panel-username" \
  -e PANEL_PASSWORD="your-panel-password" \
  -p 9090:9090 \

Using Docker Compose:

Create a docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3"
    image: hteppl/x-ui-exporter
    container_name: x-ui-exporter
    restart: unless-stopped
      - PANEL_BASE_URL=https://your-panel-url
      - PANEL_USERNAME=your-panel-username
      - PANEL_PASSWORD=your-panel-password
      # Optional settings
      # - METRICS_PORT=9090
      # - UPDATE_INTERVAL=30
      - "9090:9090"

Then run:

docker-compose up -d

Security Recommendation: For production deployments, it's strongly advised to enable metrics authentication by setting METRICS_PROTECTED=true and configuring a secure custom metrics username and password.

Integration with Prometheus

To collect metrics with Prometheus, add the exporter to your prometheus.yml configuration file:

  - job_name: "x-ui_exporter"
      - targets: [ "<exporter-ip>:9090" ]

Ensure to replace <your-panel-url>, <your-panel-username>, <your-panel-password>, and <exporter-ip> with your actual information.


Contributions to 3X-UI Metrics Exporter are warmly welcomed. Whether it's bug fixes, new features, or documentation improvements, your input helps make this project better. Here's a quick guide to contributing:

  1. Fork & Branch: Fork this repository and create a branch for your work.
  2. Implement Changes: Work on your feature or fix, keeping code clean and well-documented.
  3. Test: Ensure your changes maintain or improve current functionality, adding tests for new features.
  4. Commit & PR: Commit your changes with clear messages, then open a pull request detailing your work.
  5. Feedback: Be prepared to engage with feedback and further refine your contribution.

Happy contributing! If you're new to this, GitHub's guide on Creating a pull request is an excellent resource.


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  • Go 61.8%
  • Shell 34.6%
  • Dockerfile 3.6%