This Project is for Person Re-identification using Triplet Loss based on PyTorch
- Triplet Margin Loss
- load weights form darknet weights file
- save weighes file with darknet format
- find best threshold for test set
- more network structure
- more trick using in ReID
- faster in multi-GPU
- load and save caffemode
- creat triplet list file and put it in data/
- set
python --gpus 0,1,2,3
time cost in 4 TITAN X
batch size | cost(ms) / 1 TripletSample |
64 | 1.31 |
128 | 0.96 |
256 | 0.35 |
512 | 0.20 |
1024 | 0.18 |
- FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering