Write some scripts to deal with some of the daily work, such as dealing with excel, word processing, etc.
Run script from the root directory,for example:
node pupper-excel/index.js ✅
cd pupper-excel && node index.js ❌
Convert Peppa Pig bank lines file(excel) to json format.
Move all excel files to one folder
Iterate through and read all the excel under the folder,process the data,output to peppa.json
Read the peppa.json file and store the data into the database.
Merge the video list under one folder.
Core script:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mp4
cat mylist.txt
file 'path/to/your/video1.mp4'
file 'path/to/your/video2.mp4'
file 'path/to/your/video3.mp4'
# file is the keyword used by FFmpeg to specify the input file
# path can be an absolute path or a relative path where ffmpeg commands are executed.
- video folder path
- mylist.txt generated from video folder path
- ouput video current project root path
- output info
node merge-video -i '/Users/h/Downloads/bdyDownload/30.Nginx核心知识100讲/1 第一章 初识Nginx'
# output
第一章 初识Nginx.mp4
第一章 初识Nginx.json
第一章 初识Nginx.csv
fetching docs from Next.js React Vue or other website.
table structure:
1 next.js
2 react
3 vue
- puppet