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Monitor the clipboard, filter the specified characters when writing to the clipboard, and support variable and regular expression to replace the matched text.


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The ClipboardFilter

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Monitor the clipboard, filter the specified characters when writing to the clipboard, and support variable and regular expression to replace the matched text.

Update Log

In December 2023

  • Release version $\text{v}1.0.0$;

In September 2024

  • Fixed some bugs and logic flaws;
  • Added status bar and log box;
  • Removed C-style escape characters (can be replaced by variables);
  • Added support for variables;
  • Release version $\text{v}1.1.0$;

What's variable?

In October 2024

  • Fixed an issue where variables were not being parsed in some controls;
  • Added before and after buttons;
  • Cancel the display of the date of each log in the log bar;
  • Added the result of variable parsing will be displayed in the log bar;
  • Added background color for icons;
  • Release version $\text{v}1.1.1$;

In End of October 2024

  • Fixed some bugs and logic vulnerabilities;
  • Added a small floating window;
  • Added a shrink to floating window button in the title bar;
  • Improved log output;
  • Added multiple variables for base conversion, text conversion, random selection, etc., and parse, buffer;
  • Added MatchOptions to choose whether to be case-sensitive;
  • Released version $\text{v}1.1.2$;


git clone

Download the Packaged File

Click Install to download the executable file ClipboardFilter.exe, which can be run by double-clicking it.

It is packaged using Enigma Virtual Box, and it's normal for the firewall to report a virus. If you are concerned, please choose the second method.

Download the Unpackaged File

You need to download all files in the ./bin/v1.1.2/ directory.

Additionally, regardless of the method used, your configuration file will be stored in %temp%/ClipboardFilter.ini.

If you are using a system other than Windows, you will need to compile it manually.

Currently, writing, testing, and maintenance work are being done on the Windows platform.




  • Filtering characters

Just add the characters that need to be filtered in the input field of Character set to use for filtering. The order of input is not important.

  • Replace the matched pattern string

Use the insert button in the Replacer's Rule Item group to insert and set the corresponding rules, which will be matched and replaced in order.

About Variables

Variables are parsed before each use and will be parsed as a specific string, which is also used for special character replacement.


${ variable-name [: parameter] }

variable-names are case-insensitive.

Built-in variables

Get External Text
  • env: Get an environment variable;
    • param: The name of the environment variable to retrieve.
    • For example: ${env:WINDIR} might return C:\WINDOWS.
  • file: Get the text content from a file;
    • param: The file path that includes the filename.
    • For example: ${file:C:\file.txt}, note that only the first : acts as a separator.
  • clipboard: Get text data from the clipboard (before replacement);
Get Current Time
  • hour
  • minute
  • second
  • msec
  • year
  • month
  • day
  • week
  • date
    • param: (optional) format.
  • time
    • param: (optional) format.
  • datetime
    • param: (optional) format.
Encode to Text
  • escape: Get the character corresponding to C-style escape sequences;
    • param: C-style escape sequence, for example, \n is a newline.
  • linebreak: Alternative for newline;
    • param: (optional) CRLF (default on Windows) or LF (default on other systems).
  • unicode: Get the character corresponding to Unicode encoding;
    • param: A non-negative integer, Unicode encoding.
Text to Encoding
  • tounicode: Input a string of text and convert it to Unicode codes, separated by spaces.
    • param: Input text.
    • For example: ${tounicode:abc} returns 97 98 99.
  • tohtml: Input a string of text and convert it to HTML escape sequences.
    • param: Input text.
    • For example: ${tohtml:<abc>} returns &lt;abc&gt;.
  • hex: Input a non-negative integer and convert it to hexadecimal.
    • param: Non-negative integer.
    • For example: ${hex:5201314} returns 4f5da2.
  • oct: Same as above, convert to octal.
  • bin: Same as above, convert to binary.
  • dec: Same as above, convert to decimal.
Dynamic Variables
  • random: Get a random number within a specified range (integer);
    • param: (optional) Two formats:
      • lowerBound, upperBound: Returns a random number in the range $\left[lowerBound, upperBound\right]$.
      • upperBound: Returns a random number in the range $\left[0, upperBound\right]$.
    • For example:
      • ${random} returns a $64$ bit random number;
      • ${random:-10,99} returns a random number in the range of $-10$ to $99$ (inclusive);
      • ${random:99} returns a random number in the range of $0$ to $99$ (inclusive).
  • rsoc: Short for RandomlySelectOneChar, randomly select one character.
    • param: Character set.
    • For example: ${rsoc:abc} might return any of the characters a, b, or c.
  • rsow: Short for RandomlySelectOneWord, randomly select one word.
    • param: Word set, can be separated by any English punctuation and whitespace.
    • For example: ${rsow:like,love} might return either like or love.
  • rsol: Short for RandomlySelectOneLine, randomly select one line.
    • param: Line set, separated by newline characters.
  • index: Returns the last result plus one. The first call returns the integer $1$.
    • param: (optional) a string, multiple indexers can be used.
    • For example:
      • ${index}, ${index} and ${index} returns 1, 2 and 3;
      • ${index:a}, ${index:a} and ${index:b} returns 1, 2 and 1;
      • ${index:a}, ${index:b}, ${index:a}, ${index:b} returns 1, 1, 2, 2.
  • iota: Returns a continuous subsequence;
    • param: A string, if both ends are digits, returns a series of numbers, otherwise returns a series of characters;
    • For example:
      • ${iota:15} returns 15, numeric sequences must be separated by non-numeric characters, or they will be treated as a single number;
      • ${iota:1-5} returns 1-2-3-4-5;
      • ${iota:5-1} returns 5-4-3-2-1;
      • ${iota:10+=13} returns 10+=11+=12+=13;
      • ${iota:ae} returns abcde;
      • ${iota:a,e} returns a,b,c,d,e;
      • ${iota:e,a} returns e,d,c,b,a;
      • ${iota:aUc} returns aUbUc, treating all characters except the first and last as separators.
Text Transformation
  • shuffle: Shuffle the order of the text.
    • param: Text.
    • For example: ${shuffle:ILoveYou} might return oYeLIuov.
  • sort: Sort the text.
    • param: Text.
    • For example: ${sort:ILoveYou1314} returns 1134ILYeoouv.
  • reverse: Reverse the text.
    • param: Text.
    • For example: ${reverse:ILoveYou1314} returns 4131uoYevoLI.
  • hash: Map the text to a hexadecimal hash value based on the md5 algorithm.
    • param: Text.
    • For example: ${hash:ILoveYou1314} returns c52393bda98d849cc966a830f17f4cab.
  • tolower: Convert text to lowercase.
    • param: Text.
    • For example: ${tolower:ILoveYou1314} returns iloveyou1314.
  • toupper: Convert text to uppercase.
    • param: Text.
    • For example: ${toupper:ILoveYou1314} returns ILOVEYOU1314.
  • trimmed: Trim whitespace from both ends of the text.
    • param: Text.
    • For example: ${trimmed: ILoveYou1314 } returns ILoveYou1314.
  • simplified: Trim whitespace from both ends and replace each sequence of internal spaces with a single space.
    • param: Text.
    • For example: ${simplified: I Love You 1314 } returns I Love You 1314.
Special Variables
  • parse: Parse variables within the text, supporting nesting.
    • param: Text.
    • For example: ${parse:${buffer}}.
  • buffer: Get the text from the buffer.

After each rule replacement, the result is temporarily stored in the buffer. After all rule replacements are completed, the final result is written to the clipboard at once.

Project Structure

│  .gitignore
│  ClipboardFilter.exe
│  ├─v1.0.0
│  │      ClipboardFilter_1.0.0.exe
│  │
│  ├─v1.1.0
│  │  │   ClipboardFilter_1.1.0.exe
│  │  │
│  │  └─...
│  │
│  ├─v1.1.1
│  │  │   ClipboardFilter_1.1.1.exe
│  │  │
│  │  └─...
│  │
│  └─v1.1.2
│      │  ClipboardFilter_1.1.2.exe
│      │  
│      └─...
│  │  res.qrc
│  │
│  ├─Font
│  │      CascadiaCode.ttf
│  │
│  ├─Icon
│  │      exit.svg
│  │      MainIcon.ico
│  │      MainIcon.png
│  │      MainIcon.svg
│  │      shrink.svg
│  │      topmost.svg
│  │      topmost2.svg
│  │
│  ├─Screenshot
│  │      home.png
│  │      home_1.1.1.png
│  │
│  ├─Source
│  │
│  │
│  │
│  ├─Ts
│  │      ClipboardFilter_zh_CN.ts
│  │
│  └─Ui
│         maindialog.ui
│      ClickableLabel.h
│      Exception.h
│      Logger.h
│      MainDialog.h
│      MainFloatingWindow.h
│      StatusBarLabel.h
│      TextEditWithVariables.h
│      TextReplacer.h
│      TextReplaceRuleListView.h
│      Titlebar.h
│      Trie.h
│      VariableParser.h
│      VariablesShader.h

Copyright huanhuanonly. All rights reserved.


Monitor the clipboard, filter the specified characters when writing to the clipboard, and support variable and regular expression to replace the matched text.








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