The plugin allow you to view, add, edit, and complete tasks without ever leaving the comfort of Neovim text The goals of this plugin are:
- Be a simple tool without obstructing the view of the document
- Improve the workflow of task management in Markdown files
- Not reinvent the wheel of the way Taskwarrior manages tasks
- Injected and concealed Taskwarrior task
- Detect task (checkbox) in Markdown or similar files and register the task into Taskwarrior
- Work with Markdown with ( - [ ])
- Docstring in Python
- JSDoc in JavaScript
- Bidirectionally manage the task
- [>] Best effort to add contexts to the tasks:
- Use treesitter for better capturing contexts
- Tags
- Dependencies
- Detect nested subtasks and update related tasks
- Render dependencies with query view
- Project
- View individual task on hover
- Edit task detail within Neovim (through nui.nvim)
Query View
similar todateview
in Obsidian orViewport
in Taskwiki - Virtual text for due and scheduled tasks
- Interface for displaying Taskwarrior reports
- Query tasks to other pages similar to viewport in
in Obsidian - Better UI for advance Taskwarrior usage such as overdue, waiting, and more
- UI for editing task (I am reusing
task {id} edit
- Taskwarrior (pre3.0) (hard required)
- Have not tested v3.0 but it may have a breaking change due to its move to SQLite as the main storage engine
- nui.nvim
- For all UIs in the plugin
- mkdnflow.nvim
- This plugin provides comprehensive utilities for Markdown files
- Caveat: you need to disable/not use toggle checkbox from this plugin
- obsidian.nvim
- If you use Obsidian for note taking, this plugin is highly recommended
- This plugin provides some nice concealment and utilities for Obsidian
- markdown.nvim
- Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim
- Tips: if you use
, you should disableobsidian.nvim
's UI configurations
- taskwiki
- This plugin provides better utilities for managing tasks in Markdown files with Taskwarrior
- Reasons I decided not to use this plugin:
- Rely on Vimwiki, which has wonky interactions with
(due to special filetypevimwiki
) - Disclaimer: there may be a way to configure to make Vimwiki and markdown plugins to work together but I decided to write m_taskwarrior_d.nvim
- Rely on Vimwiki, which has wonky interactions with
version = "*",
dependencies = { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
config = function()
-- Require
-- Optional
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>te", "<cmd>TWEditTask<cr>", { desc = "TaskWarrior Edit", noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>tv", "<cmd>TWView<cr>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>tu", "<cmd>TWUpdateCurrent<cr>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>ts", "<cmd>TWSyncTasks<cr>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
{ silent = true }
-- Be caution: it may be slow to open large files, because it scan the whole buffer
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufEnter", "BufWritePost" }, {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("TWTask", { clear = true }),
pattern = "*.md,*.markdown", -- Pattern to match Markdown files
callback = function()
- Default configurations:
-- The order of toggling task statuses
task_statuses = { " ", ">", "x", "~" },
-- The mapping between status and symbol in checkbox
status_map = { [" "] = "pending", [">"] = "active", ["x"] = "completed", ["~"] = "deleted" },
-- The checkbox prefix and suffix
checkbox_prefix = "[",
checkbox_suffix = "]",
-- The default list symbol
default_list_symbol = "-",
-- Comments pattern prefix and suffix
-- This is extremely useful for viewing the note in any Makrdown previewers (i.e. Obsidian app) if you set
-- - comment_prefix = "<!--",
-- - comment_suffix = "-->",
comment_prefix = "",
comment_suffix = "",
-- The file pattern to trigger the conceal
file_patterns = { "*.md", "*.markdown" },
display_due_or_scheduled = true
-- More configurations will be added in the future
: corresponding topending
: hasactive
: corresponding tocompleted
: corresponding todeleted
If you are using obsidian.nvim
, you can use the following configuration:
ui = {
checkboxes = {
[" "] = { char = "", hl_group = "ObsidianTodo" },
["x"] = { char = "", hl_group = "ObsidianDone" },
[">"] = { char = "", hl_group = "ObsidianRightArrow" },
["~"] = { char = "", hl_group = "ObsidianTilde" },
hl_groups = {
ObsidianTodo = { bold = true, fg = "#f78c6c" },
ObsidianDone = { bold = true, fg = "#89ddff" },
ObsidianRightArrow = { bold = true, fg = "#f78c6c" },
ObsidianTilde = { bold = true, fg = "#ff5370" },
ObsidianBullet = { bold = true, fg = "#89ddff" },
ObsidianRefText = { underline = true, fg = "#008080" },
ObsidianExtLinkIcon = { fg = "#008080" },
ObsidianTag = { italic = true, fg = "#89ddff" },
ObsidianHighlightText = { bg = "#75662e" },
If you are using markdown.nvim
, you can set the following configuration:
name = "render-markdown", -- Only needed if you have another plugin named markdown.nvim
dependencies = { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" },
config = function()
checkbox = {
enabled = true,
checked = {
-- Replaces '[x]' of 'task_list_marker_checked'
icon = " ",
-- Highligh for the checked icon
highlight = "RenderMarkdownChecked",
custom = {
started = { raw = "[>]", rendered = " ", highlight = "@markup.raw" },
deleted = { raw = "[~]", rendered = " ", highlight = "@markup.raw" },
: toggle status of task- If the task is registered in Taskwarrior, it also checks the parent task (if any) to determine the final status and apply it. The logic is as follows:
- If there are any started tasks, it returns
. - If there are pending tasks but no started tasks, it returns
. - If there are completed tasks, it returns
. - If they are all deleted tasks, it returns
. - If none of the above conditions are met, it returns "unknown" (or any other default value).
- If there are any started tasks, it returns
- If the task is registered in Taskwarrior, it also checks the parent task (if any) to determine the final status and apply it. The logic is as follows:
: traverse the current buffer and sync all tasks-
There are a few scenarios, that may happen:
- If the task is not in Taskwarrior, and doesn't have UUID, it will add the task to Taskwarrior and add the UUID to the buffer
- If the task is not in Taskwarrior, but have UUID in the follow format
then it will add the task to TaskWarrior and update the UUID - If the task is in Taskwarrior:
- If nothing changes, nothing get updated
- If the descriptions are different, it will update the description in the buffer as I prefer Taskwarrior to be source of truth
If any headers have QueryView, the tasks in the scope of the headers (surrounded by 2 empty lines, according to Markdown) will be modified with such query, except for
.- For example,
# Project pending tasks for project A $query{status:pending project:A}
- Any tasks under the header will be assigned to project A
: similar toTWSyncTasks
but only sync the current task. Work with normal and visual mode:TWSyncBulk
: similar toTWSyncTasks
but only sync the selected tasks in visual mode:TWUpdateCurrent
: quickly update the description of the task so you don't have to use the edit command:TWEditTask
: toggle a float window, which can edit the task.- Using the
task {id} edit
behind the scene - It will update the description in the buffer if you edited it in the popup
- Using the
: a quick view of more details of the task- It is focusable so you can copy texts from their
- It will be dismissed once the cursor moves or reenter the buffer
: extract the current UUID, and ask user for input. Run the command as follow!task {uuid} {user input}
: there are two ways to use this command:TWRun
without any arguments, an input component will appear and ask for your command- Enter empty again, it will run
- Enter empty again, it will run
TWRun {command}
- Run the command as follow
task {user input}
- If the command has
, the output will print out only - Otherwise, the output will be put into a float, focusable window under the cursor. It is dismissed once the cursor moves or reenter the buffer
- If the command has
- Run the command as follow
: switch the focus to a floating window (or hover, triggered byTWView
, andTWRun
: display a buffer with list of saved queries. Each query should be a valid Taskwarrior query that can be run withtask {query}
- Each query can be edited and saved as you could with any buffer
- The format is
[name of the query] | [filters] | [report]
, don't include[
in your actual query q
will close thu buffer without saving any changes:wq
will save and close the buffer- The file is saved in
: will prompt a menu with the list of all saved queries, after an item is selected, a floating window will open with the output oftask {query}
: similar toTWRun
, but run commands on selected tasks in visual mode:TWQueryTasks
: similar totaskwiki
's viewport, render the output of thetask {query}
as the list of tasks- Nested tasks are supported
- In-sync with where it is first created
: similar toTWQueryTasks
, but this will scan the current buffer and run all the queries in the current buffer:TWTaskScratch
: prompt a menu with the list of all saved queries, after an item is selected, a split window will open and render out the tasks of the selected query- What it does is open a temporary file in
, append the selected query and runTWQueryTasks
on it - There are two additional commands to use with the scratch window:
: to show the hidden scratch window:TWScratchHide
: to hide the scratch window
- What it does is open a temporary file in
: display due or scheduled tasks as virtual text end of line:TWShowDueOrScheduledCurrent
: display due or scheduled tasks as virtual text end of line for current line
- Nested checkboxes are depended on the parent checkbox
- [ ] Task 1 # Has 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1 as dependencies $id{d4452942-ac6e-46c6-b110-001ea731c676}
- [ ] Task 1.1 # Has none $id{53389315-5975-4db9-a796-1cd2514e1be1}
- [ ] Task 1.2 # Has 1.2.1 as dependency $id{ea843624-37c0-429c-89c6-19f661149668}
- [ ] Task 1.2.1 $id{792e57a6-ea55-4c9e-ab32-9e840d66088d}
# Tasks that are in pending of project A $query{status:pending project:A}
This plugin is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
- Ben Trinh
Thank you for using the Neovim Lua Plugin! If you find it helpful, please consider starring the repository.