Experimental P2P WebRTC transport for HT
This transport is not officially supported.
This transport requires you get yourself an API key from peerjs.com It also requires that you include a copy of peerjs on your page before trying to use this transport.
When instantating an instance of PeerJSTransport you must pass a configuration object in.
The object must contain a key called key, which contains your PeerJS API key.
If you're creating an instance that is going to be used by a service, it needs to contain a key called id, which is what the service will advertise itself as to clients.
If you're creating one for a client, id is still required, but should contain the name of the remote service you wish to connect to.
var ht = require('hudson-taylor');
var PeerJSTransport = require('ht-peerjs-transport');
var service = new ht.Service(new PeerJSTransport({
id: 'math',
key: 'yourAPIkeygoeshere'
service.on('multiply', function(data, callback) {
return callback(null, data.one * data.two);
service.listen(function(err) {
if(err) throw err;
console.log("Service is listening...");
var ht = require('hudson-taylor');
var PeerJSTransport = require('ht-peerjs-transport');
var client = new ht.Client({
math: new PeerJSTransport({
id: 'math',
key: 'yourAPIkeygoeshere'
client.connect(function(err) {
if(err) throw err;
client.call('math', 'multiply', {
one: 2341,
two: 2
}, function(err, response) {
if(err) throw err;
console.log("Got response from service:", response);