Use the helper function created in this file to align the methylation data with the patient information and cell fractions.
Finds the most significant probes for different group stratification.
Calculates the differentially methylated cell-type specific probes based on cell fraction using CellDMC.
Uses the DMCTs to calculate the epigenetic ages of each cell type across all samples.
- Call the fileAligner to get both the patient information file and the methylation data for the respective patients.
- Separate into the the groups of each phenotype you wish to investigate the cell type fractions for.
- Input the methylation data (n_samples, n_features), list of phenotypes (n_samples), and fraction (n_samples x n_features).
- For each cell type collect their corresponding DMCTs if present.
- Run through elastic net regularization model to find coefficients.
- Run coefficients & methylation data through Horvath Clock.
- ggplot2
- magrittr
- dplyr
- ggbeeswarm
- broom
- ggpubr
- patchwork
- data.table
- readr
- data.table
- caret
- glmnet