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Azure Nextflow

This repository contains sample only code to demonstrate how secrets can be marshaled from Key Vault into a Container Instance running Nextflow for the purpose of dispatching Nextflow pipelines on Azure Batch.


Deploying the Azure resources supporting this sample is left to you.

It is assumed that this infrastructure would be deployed using GitHub workflows and maintained examples are provided. Stale examples for DevOps pipelines are provided but are not working since moving to rust and will not be maintained.

It is assumed that regardless of deployment method, GitHub is used for hosting the forked repository.


  1. Fork this repository on GitHub.

  2. Install Azure CLI version 2.45.0 or newer and login.

    # Check version
    az --version
    # Login
    az login
    # Show active subscription
    az account show
  3. Define these variables (change values as needed).

    gh_org="xxxxxx"          # this repo's org or username
    gh_repo="azure-nextflow" # this repo's name
  4. Create a Resource Group for the Managed Identity.

    # Create MSI Resource Group
    az group create --name $az_msiRgName --location $az_location --subscription $az_subId
  5. Create a Managed Identity (user assigned) for GitHub to authenticate with Azure.

    # Create MSI
    az identity create --name $az_msiName --resource-group $az_msiRgName --subscription $az_subId
    # Federate with GitHub
    az identity federated-credential create --name "${gh_org}--${gh_repo}" --identity-name $az_msiName --subject "repo:${gh_org}/${gh_repo}:ref:refs/heads/main" --issuer "" --resource-group $az_msiRgName --subscription $az_subId
    # Show details (needed to create the AZURE_MSI GitHub secret)
    az identity show --name $az_msiName --resource-group $az_msiRgName --subscription $az_subId

Set up

The following uses the provided GitHub workflows to build and deploy the sample.

The deployment is targeted at the resource group level and will require the target resource group to be created first.

  1. Create the target resource group

    # Create the target Resource Group
    az group create --name $az_rgName --location $az_location --subscription $az_subId

The deployment creates and assigns permissions to a number of additional Managed Identities. This is why the deployment principal requires the Owner permission.

  1. Assign ARM permissions to the deployment Managed Identity

    # Get the objectId of the deployment MSI
    az_msiObjectId=$(az identity show --name $az_msiName --resource-group $az_msiRgName --subscription $az_subId --query principalId --output tsv)
    # Assign ARM permissions
    az role assignment create --assignee $az_msiObjectId --role 'Owner' --scope /subscriptions/$az_subId/resourceGroups/$az_rgName

    Note: The permissions above are an example, use the least privileged approach when assigning permissions.

Deploy using GitHub

GitHub workflow

  1. Use the JSON output from the pre-requisite steps to create a new AZURE_MSI GitHub Secret, details in GitHub Docs.




        "clientId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx1111",
        "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/nxfutil001/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/GitHubActions",
        "location": "australiaeast",
        "name": "GitHubActions",
        "principalId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx2222",
        "resourceGroup": "GitHubFederatedIdentities",
        "tags": {},
        "tenantId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx3333",
        "type": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities"
  2. Run the workflow called All GitHub Workflows.

    Running the GitHub Workflow

Validate deployment

To validate set up was successful, trigger the Azure Function using its webhook.


curl --get "https://$"

# returns
Hello, World!


GET api/nxfutil

Used to get status of api and list available api paths


curl --get "https://$"

# returns
# [GET,POST] api/nxfutil/dispatch
# [GET,POST] api/nxfutil/status
# [GET,POST] api/nxfutil/terminate

GET api/nxfutil/dispatch

Will show the json payload required for the corresponding POST method.

POST api/nxfutil/dispatch

Will create a new nxfutil Container Instance. See Annex for nxfutil details.

The http trigger requires a json payload to provide the nextflow job with it's required config, pipeline and parameters files. Provide the URI for each file's location.

NOTE: providing empty values will trigger a default deployment which uses the nextflow files in this repository.

  "config_uri": "String",
  "pipeline_uri": "String",
  "parameters_uri": "String",
  "parameters_json": [
      "name": "String",
      "value": "Value"
  "auto_delete": true

The http trigger currently accepts 1 (optional) argument.

  • A boolean whatif=true argument can be provided to perform a mock deployment.

curl -X POST "https://$" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"config_uri":"", "pipeline_uri":"", "parameters_uri":""}'

GET api/nxfutil/status

Will show the json payload required for the corresponding POST method.

POST api/nxfutil/status

Will return the progress of the nextflow job by dumping messages from the nextflow storage queue.

  • Use summary=true to show only the latest event from a given nextflow job id.
  • Use dequeue=true to delete the messages as they are read.

Important: If no process is dequeueing the messages from the storage queue, only the oldest 32 messages can be summarized.


curl -X POST "https://$" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"summary": true "message_count": 1, "dequeue": false}'

# returns
# [
#  {
#   "event": "completed",
#   "runId": "d58d0af4-1373-4dc2-b61d-e8ee06d18849",
#   "runName": "maniac_easley",
#   "utcTime": "2023-02-21T21:42:15Z",
#   "metadata": {
#     "parameters": {
#       "dispatcher": "nextflow-20230220-8010e3cc-130f-4b86-838b-5572e69266d1"
#     },
#     "workflow": {
#       "errorMessage": null
#     }
#   }
#  }
# ]

GET api/nxfutil/terminate

Will show the json payload required for the corresponding POST method.

POST api/nxfutil/terminate

Will delete the container instance specified in the request body.

The http trigger currently accepts 1 (optional) argument.

  • A boolean whatif=true argument can be provided to perform a mock deployment.

curl -X POST "https://$" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"ci_name": "nextflow-20230220-8010e3cc-130f-4b86-838b-5572e69266d1"}'



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  • Rust 63.9%
  • Bicep 25.6%
  • Makefile 5.3%
  • Nextflow 3.7%
  • Dockerfile 1.4%
  • Shell 0.1%