Find races by date, location, or distance: 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon, ultra, trail, triathlon or duathlon
Note:: the code has references to this is the parent domain I own and
not a real client or entity
The UI is in its third iteration. I had originally considered having the users crowd-source
the races. The UX experience became too cumbersome and now I will reduce complexity by just
curating the races and not having users create their own races.
I will add back a [save], [heart] or other way to bookmark a race for future reference.
Liquibase is an open source project that helps millions of developers rapidly manage database schema changes.
Liquibase project was created to understand how this utility could be used either stand alone or with Spring JPA. My employer is using this tool. Had it not been for that I would have just used data.sql and schema.sql in JPA.
The Angular project with the UI to connect to the RESTFUL Spring Boot application. This project is not complete. The UX became too complicated and I am reevaluating how to make the experience simpler and just expose a curated list of races where a user can save their "liked" races.
The project contains service, ngrx for state management, custom components, PrimeNg components and an over-engineered grid component. Again my employer was using this grid and I wanted some hands on experience with it.
Spring Boot REST API to obtain user and race information after being authenticated using OAUTH 2.0 API connecting through to FaceBook and Google
There are a suite of tests testing all the layers.
All the passwords and credentials have been removed
OurNextRace is an easy-to-use Angular/Bootstrap UI that can find and save race information for the race going enthusiast. The Angular front-end communicates over REST to the Spring Boot application located in the same JAR on an small EC2 instance. Previously the PostgreSQL database was hosted on RDS but after the pandemic it was more cost effective to mothball the database and host PostgreSQL on the same server.
There is no load balancer even though that would be a good place to store the HTTPS certificates. Instead, there is a cron job that auto updates the 'LetsEncrypt' certificate every few months.
AWS's API gateway was considered, but it was unlikely to need the services beyond hosting the REST API.
There is a rather complicated process for sending out emails to user using velocity templates and SNS/lambdas. This is part of the AWS security mode to help with preventing Spam.
Authentication is performed by some social provider (Goolgle) as there was no desire to host user information in a pet project. The client initiates the JavaScript calls to authenticate via FaceBook, Google or any OAUTH 2.0 provider. I removed Facebook as the API became too brittle.