a server (physical / virtual machine)
- Master node: is a node that manages worker nodes.
- Contains a docker container
- Each pods get an IP, also get a new IP upon recreation
A permanent IP address, it is also a loadbalancer
- External service: a service that is accessible from an external source such as, it can be one of the following types:
- Internal service
like external service but for https://my-app.com, does the forwarding to service
means entering the cloudegress
means exiting the cloud
Just some configuration
config for secrets
It’s a storage, if db pod get restarted, the data will be restarted as well, but with volumes this won't happen.
Types of volumes
- doesn't depends on the pod lifecycle
- available to all nodes
- must survive if all cluster crash
- Needs actual storage
- Can come from any source
- k8s doesn't create or backup the volume
- Cannot be namespaced
Admin role creates persistent volume
and users create persistent volume claim
Application needs to claim the pv so it can use them. Another k8s component.
Defines the size of the volume and access type and whatever volume matches this criteria, will be used. In the pod you have to use that claim in the pod specification. Then the volume is mounted in the pod.
Provides persistent volume
dynamically whenever persistent volume claim
claims it.
- Cannot be namespaced
You can mount them into the pod
A blueprint for pods, which specifies how many replica of a ped is needed.
- Database cannot have deployment and have replicas because of data inconsistencies.
- Deployment for database/stateful apps.
- It is difficult to use this component.
- Database are often hosted outside k8s.
More information
- Cannot be created/deleted at the same time
- Cannot be randomly addressed
- Replica pods are not identical, they have their own additional identity
- Sticky id for each pod
- Created from the same spec but not interchangeable
- Each has a persistent id that maintains across rescheduling
Why it needs id? https://youtu.be/X48VuDVv0do?t=11054
Docker kubelet
- interacts with docker and node.
- Starts the pod
- Assign resources such as ram, etc kubeproxy
The client (command line, etc) will communicate with it, the only entry point to the server.
Schedule the requests from api server
detects a crash, etc from pods and tries to recover the pod
a storage for k8s itself
kubectl commands
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pod
kubectl get services
kubectl get deployment
kubectl create deployment NAME --image=IMAGE
kubectl delete deployment NAME
# Show auto generated deployment file, and you can edit it for example the image
kubectl edit deployment NAME
kubectl logs [pod name]
# Show for example the docker download image status
kubectl describe pod [pod name]
kubectl exec –it [pod name] -- bin/bash
kubectl apply –f config_filename
# rollbacks
kubectl rollout history deployment/name
kubectl rollout undo deployment/name
kubectl rollout undo deployment/name --to-revision=3
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: my-app
# (1) explained below
app: my-app
# spec of the deployment
# number of replicas
replicas: 1
# (2) explained below
app: my-app
# pods config
# (3) explained below
app: my-app
# spec of pods
- name: my-app
# image of the pod to use
image: nginx:1.16
# bind that image to this port
- containerPort: 8080
Internal Service
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
# (4) explained below:
app: my-app
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 8080
label and selection explanation of example above
- (3): A pod has a label
app: nginx
(it can be any other key-value pair), - (2): Create a connection between deployment (2) and pod (3)
- (1): This is the deployment label and will be used by the service selector (4)
- (4): connect to the deployment (1) also to the pod (3)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: my-secret
type: Opaque
username: BASE_64_VALUE
password: BASE_64_VALUE
External Service
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
app: my-app
# !! Make it an external service
type: LoadBalancer
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 8080
# !! Make it an external service
# port in the browser to access the service
# it has a range 30000-32000
nodePort: 30000
- if the command
kubectl get service
you can see the external ip address
You want to have my-app.com website and not IP:PORT. So you change your external service into internal and then use ingress. and ingress will redirect to that internal service.
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: myapp-ingress
- host: myapp.com
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/auth"
name: user-service
number: 8080
The yaml file alone won't be enough and it needs ingress controller
A pod or a set of pods that does evaluation and process of ingress rules.
It evaluates all the rules then manages the redirections.
You can choose between many third-party application for Ingress Controller. K8s Nginx Ingress Controller
is from kubernetes itself. It depends on the cloud service provide.
Not the only way but one of the common way:
- Requests first hit the cloud load balancer (ALS)
- Redirect to Ingress controller
- Ingress rule needs to be defined
When page is not found will call it.
- To test k8s on local machine
- A node cluster run on virtual box
- In minikube service running is not working and showing pending
minikube service [service name]
to make it work
Organize your resources in a namespace
For k8s system use
publicly accessible data. It is a configmap that contains data without authentication.
contains heartbeat/availability of nodes information.
default if you haven't create a new namespace
kubectl create namespace [name]
Or it can be created with config file:
namespace: some-name
kubectl get pod
equals to kubectl get pod -n default
Package manager for k8s, to package/distribute yaml files.
Bundles of YAML files
name: my-app
name: {{ .Values.name }}
Init containers
- Runs before app containers
- Run to completions
- Needs to complete successfully before next init container
- Can have multiple init containers before app contaienrs runs
- Can contains setup scripts annd they can run before app container runs
kind: Deployment
- name: init-db
image: busybox:1.31
command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo -e "Checking for the availability of MySQL Server deployment"; while ! nc -z mysql 3306; do sleep 1; printf "-"; done; echo -e " >> MySQL DB Server has started";']
Restarts the app, if forexample a deadlock appears in the app.
- When pod can accept the traffic.
- If the pod is not ready it is removed from service load balancer.
- To know when a contianer app has started.
- It disables liveness and readiness probes until startup probs is succeeded
- Using shell scripts
- Using http get request, e.g. GET health-status
- Using plain tcp socket connection
Liveness Probe with Command:
kind: Deployment
- ...
- /bin/sh
- -c
- nc -z localhost 8095
# The pod won't show ready until this time is passed
initialDelaySeconds: 60
# How often should call this prob
periodSeconds: 10
Readiness Probe with HTTP GET:
path: /usermgmt/health-status
port: 8095
initialDelaySeconds: 60
periodSeconds: 10
Requests and limits
- Limits: as the
amount of a resource to be used by a container. - Requests, on the other hand, are the
guaranteed amount of a resource that is reserved for a container - These can be requested per namespaces as well with LimitRange or ResourceQuota
- It is a good practice to limit both cpu and memory
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "500m"
memory: "500Mi"
cpu: "1000m"
- Why is good practice to limit resources?
- Kustomize
- ArgoCD