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Calculated travel time to GPs, pharmacies, and sports facilities #16

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Calculate travel time to pharmacies
matthewgthomas committed Nov 27, 2024
commit d9950b57e418544bda9df5feffe82f4c43c02eac
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions R/data.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -108,3 +108,24 @@
#' @source \url{}

#' Travel time to pharmacies
#' A dataset containing the average (median) travel time (in minutes) to the nearest
#' pharmacy in each Local Government District. This is based on the travel time to the
#' nearest GP in each Super Data Zone within a Local Government District.
#' Travel times are calculated using the TravelTime API (
#' and are based on travelling by public transport on a weekday morning.
#' @format A data frame with 11 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{lgd14_code}{Local Authority Code}
#' \item{pharmacy_median_travel_time}{Median travel time (in minutes) to the nearest
#' pharmacy among all the Super Data Zones within a Local Authority}
#' \item{year}{Year the data was last updated}
#' ...
#' }
#' @source \url{}
233 changes: 233 additions & 0 deletions data-raw/healthy-places/travel-time-to-pharmacies.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@


# ---- Fetch pharmacies in Northern Ireland ----
# Bounding box for Northern Ireland
ni_bb <-
getbb("Northern Ireland")

# Search for pharmacies
pharmacies <- opq(ni_bb, timeout = 1000) %>%
add_osm_feature("amenity", "pharmacy") %>%

# Get Local Authorities in Great Britain for the next step
ni_lad <-
boundaries_ltla21 |>
filter(str_detect(ltla21_code, "^N"))

# Some pharmacies are not in Northern Ireland - remove them from the dataset
ni_pharmacies <-
pharmacies$osm_points[ni_lad, ] |>

# - Test plot to check pharmacy locations -
# ni_lad |>
# ggplot() +
# geom_sf(
# fill = NA,
# colour = "black"
# ) +
# geom_sf(
# data = ni_pharmacies,
# inherit.aes = FALSE
# )

# Calculate neighbours for each Local Authority
neighbours <- st_touches(ni_lad)

# Look up the Local Authority each GP is in
ni_pharmacies_lad <-
st_join(ni_pharmacies, ni_lad) |>
filter(! |>
# Round coords to 3 decimal points to save memory
lat = st_coordinates(geometry)[,2] |> round(3),
lng = st_coordinates(geometry)[,1] |> round(3)
) |>
st_drop_geometry() |>
as_tibble() |>

# ---- Population-weighted centroids for Super Data Zones ----
# Source:
write_disk(tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx"))

sdz21_centroids_raw <- read_excel(tf, sheet = "SDZ2021")

sdz21_centroids <-
sdz21_centroids_raw |>
st_as_sf(coords = c("X", "Y"), crs = 29902) |> # The coordinates are in Irish Grid
st_transform(crs = 4326) |>
# Round coords to 3 decimal points to save memory
lat = st_coordinates(geometry)[,2] |> round(3),
lng = st_coordinates(geometry)[,1] |> round(3)
) |>
st_drop_geometry() |>
sdz21_code = SDZ2021_code,

# ---- Calculate travel time between data zones and pharmacies ----
# Taking each Local Authority in Northern Ireland one at a time,
# calculate the travel distance/time from the Super Data Zones within that LAD
# to each pharmacy in the LAD as well as in neighbouring LADs

# Set up tibbles to store results
pharmacy_travel_time <- tibble()

# Uncomment this code (and change the filename) if you need to restart from any previous point
# pharmacy_travel_time <- read_csv("data-raw/healthy-places/pharmacy_travel_time-6.csv") |>
# mutate(osm_id = as.character(osm_id))

for (i in 1:nrow(ni_lad)) {
current_ltla_code <- ni_lad[i,]$ltla21_code

current_sdz_codes <-
lookup_dz21_sdz21_dea14_lgd14 |>
filter(lgd14_code == current_ltla_code) |>
distinct(sdz21_code) |>

current_sdz_centroids <-
sdz21_centroids |>
filter(sdz21_code %in% current_sdz_codes)

# Get pharmacies in the current LAD and its neighbouring LADs
current_neighbours <-
ni_lad[neighbours[[i]],] |>

current_pharmacies <-
ni_pharmacies_lad |>
filter(ltla21_code %in% c(current_ltla_code, current_neighbours)) |>
# We'll combine the pharmacies with Super Data Zones - use the same column name for IDs
rename(id = osm_id)

# Loop through each Super Data Zone in the current Local Authority,
# calculating travel time to the current set of pharmacies
for (sdz in 1:nrow(current_sdz_centroids)) {
current_sdz_centroid <-
current_sdz_centroids |>
slice(sdz) |>
rename(id = sdz21_code)

# Need to make a list of locations with the `traveltimeR::make_locations()` function
# First we must collate the current set of locations into a single dataframe
current_locations_df <- bind_rows(current_sdz_centroid, current_pharmacies)

# Then use the approach shown in Travel Time's R package readme:
current_locations <- apply(current_locations_df, 1, function(x)
make_location(id = x['id'], coords = list(lat = as.numeric(x["lat"]),
lng = as.numeric(x["lng"]))))
current_locations <- unlist(current_locations, recursive = FALSE)

current_search <-
id = str_glue("search {current_sdz_centroid$id}"), # Make up an ID for the search so each search is unique
departure_location_id = current_sdz_centroid$id,
arrival_location_ids = as.list(current_pharmacies$id),
travel_time = 10800, # 3 hours (in seconds)
properties = list("travel_time"),
arrival_time_period = "weekday_morning",
transportation = list(type = "public_transport")

current_result <- time_filter_fast(locations = current_locations, arrival_one_to_many = current_search)

# Convert JSON result to a data frame
current_result_df <- fromJSON(current_result$contentJSON, flatten = TRUE)

# Some Super Data Zones can't reach any pharmacies - ignore them
if (length(current_result_df$results$locations[[1]]) > 0) {
current_travel_time <-
current_result_df$results$locations[[1]] |>
as_tibble() |>
# `travel_time` column is in seconds; convert to minutes
travel_time_mins = properties.travel_time / 60,
sdz21_code = current_sdz_centroid$id
) |>
select(sdz21_code, osm_id = id, travel_time_mins)

pharmacy_travel_time <- bind_rows(pharmacy_travel_time, current_travel_time)

print(str_glue("Finished SDZ {sdz} of {nrow(current_sdz_centroids)}"))

# Save progress to disc after each LAD
# NOTE: Please manually delete these files once the loop completes
write_csv(pharmacy_travel_time, str_glue("data-raw/healthy-places/pharmacy_travel_time-{i}.csv"))

print(str_glue("Finished Local Authority {i} of {nrow(ni_lad)}"))

pharmacy_travel_time <- distinct(pharmacy_travel_time)

# Save the complete dataset for travel time from Intermediate Zones to pharmacies
# This won't be available in the R package itself but want to keep it in the GitHub repo
# since it takes quite a while to calculate
write_csv(pharmacy_travel_time, "data-raw/healthy-places/pharmacy_travel_time.csv")

pharmacy_travel_time <- read_csv("data-raw/healthy-places/pharmacy_travel_time.csv")

# Look up Local Authorities for each Intermediate Zone and GP
lookup_sdz_lad <-
lookup_dz21_sdz21_dea14_lgd14 |>
distinct(sdz21_code, ltla21_code = lgd14_code, ltla_name = lgd14_name)

pharmacy_travel_time <-
pharmacy_travel_time |>

# What are the fastest travel times within each Intermediate Zone?
pharmacy_travel_time_fastest <-
pharmacy_travel_time |>
select(-osm_id) |> # We don't need to know the GP ID for this
group_by(sdz21_code) |>
filter(travel_time_mins == min(travel_time_mins)) |>
ungroup() |>

# Plot the distribution of fastest travel times within each Local Authority
pharmacy_travel_time_fastest |>
ggplot(aes(x = travel_time_mins)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
facet_wrap(~ltla_name, scales = "free")

# Calculate average travel time for each Local Authority
# Several of the distributions of travel times within Local Authorities are skewed
# so we'll take the median travel time
places_pharmacy_travel_time <-
pharmacy_travel_time_fastest |>
group_by(ltla21_code) |>
summarise(median_travel_time = median(travel_time_mins, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
ungroup() |>
mutate(year = year(now())) |>
rename(lgd14_code = ltla21_code,
gp_median_travel_time = median_travel_time)

# ---- Save output to data/ folder ----
usethis::use_data(places_pharmacy_travel_time, overwrite = TRUE)
Binary file added data/places_pharmacy_travel_time.rda
Binary file not shown.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions man/places_pharmacy_travel_time.Rd

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