This is a non-official mirror of
We're contacting the SWAG team for more information about licensing of this source code.
Run these code in project root folder
To compile
javac -g -classpath . lsedit/*.java
To package
jar cv lsedit\*.class > lsedit.jar
Java version: 13
Using vscode
, go to Debug
> Run without Debugging
This is the screenshot if it work correctly
aa - External cluster algorithm
acdc - External cluster algorithm
bunchdoc - Documentation for bunch
clue - LSEdit adaptor for bunch
cmdb - Read CMDB directly into LSEdit
data - Some play data
icons - CMDB icons
lsedit - Source for lsedit
search - database search tool
cmdb.ini - Configuration for cmdb visualiser
bunch.jar - Bunch software
cmdb.jar - Packaged cmdb java code
sqljdbc.jar - JDBC for MS Sql Server
cmdb.bat - Run CMDB fact extraction and visualise
cmdb_jar.bat - Make cmdb.jar
compile_cmdb.bat - Compile cmdb java code
compile_lsedit.bat - Compile lsedit code
compile-search.bat - Compile search code
Other bat files.. sample demos.