This work deals with localization of mobile robot. ORB_SLAM and IMU are fused by using extended Kalman filter. This work is based on ORB_SLAM3, robot_pose_ekf, imu_calibration and unified_calibration.
Ubuntu 18.04
ROS melodic
Realsense D435i
install librealsense
install Eigen3: (
install Ceres Solver: (
create catkin workspace:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
install dependencies for kalibr
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-rosinstall ipython libeigen3-dev libboost-all-dev doxygen libopencv-dev ros-melodic-opencv ros-melodic-image-transport-plugins ros-melodic-cmake-modules python-software-properties software-properties-common libpoco-dev python-matplotlib python-scipy python-git python-pip ipython libtbb-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev python-catkin-tools libv4l-dev
install repository:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
build ORB_SLAM3:
chmod +x
gedit ~/.bashrc
chmod +x
build robot_pose_ekf
rosdep install robot_pose_ekf
roscd robot_pose_ekf
Find the luanuch file of camera rs_camera.launch
, and change the value of unite_imu_method
to linear_interpolation
<arg name="unite_imu_method" default="linear_interpolation"/>
Plug camera to computer and run:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
rostopic list
check if there is topic /camera/imu
then keep the camera still, and record the data form imu as long as possible:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
rosbag record -O imu_calibration /camera/imu
change the value of max_time_min
in ~/imu_utils/launch/d435i_imu_calibration.launch
to the length of the recording (unit:min), then run:
roslaunch imu_utils d435i_imu_calibration.launch
rosbag play -r 50 imu_calibration.bag
the result of IMU calibration is published in ~/imu_utils/data/d435i_imu_calibration_imu_param.yaml
download and print calibration target: ( and create yaml file, if the target is printed on A4 paper, yaml file should be:
target_type: 'aprilgrid' #gridtype
tagCols: 6 #number of apriltags
tagRows: 6 #number of apriltags
tagSize: 0.021 #size of apriltag, edge to edge [m]
tagSpacing: 0.3 #ratio of space between tags to tagSize
point the camera at the calibration target, and try to keep the calibration target in the camera’s field of view. Translate or rotate the camera and record image data for one to two minutes:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
rosrun topic_tools throttle messages /camera/color/image_raw 4.0 /color
rosbag record -O camd435i /color
run the calibration programm:
kalibr_calibrate_cameras --target /PATH/April.yaml --bag /PATH/camd435i.bag --bag-from-to 20 110 --models pinhole-radtan --topics /color --show-extraction
then the calibration result would be published in yaml, txt and pdf file.
move the camera for one to two minutes, keep calibration target in camera’s field of view, record data from camera and IMU:
rosrun topic_tools throttle messages /camera/color/image_raw 20.0 /color
rosrun topic_tools throttle messages /camera/imu 200.0 /imu
rosbag record -O dynamic /color /imu
after recording, run:
kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --target /PATH/April.yaml --cam /PATH/camera.yaml --imu /PATH/imu.yaml --bag /PATH/dynamic.bag --show-extraction
in file camchain-imucam-dynamic.yaml
you will find transformation matrix between camera and IMU.
change the value of parameter T_cam_imu
according to the result in camchain-imucam-dynamic.yaml
, change the camera intrinsics in ~/ORB_SLAM3/D435i.yaml
according to calibration results
turn on the camera:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
turn on extended Kalman filter:
roslaunch robot_pose_ekf.launch
turn on ORB_SLAM3:
rosrun ORB_SLAM3 RGBD /PATH/ORB_SLAM3/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt /PATH/ORB_SLAM3/D435i.yaml
estimated pose from ORB_SLAM3 without fusion is:
rostopic echo /camera_pose
estimated pose from fusion of ORB_SLAM3 and IMU is:
rostopic echo /robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined
In order to test localization accuracy, FARO vantage laser tracker is used. Spherically mounted retroreflector (SMR), which could be regarded as tracking target of FARO, is stuck on the camera. Since FARO can measure the position of SMR with extremely high accuracy, the FARO measurement could be regarded as real coordinate.
FARO measurements are saved in ~/Examples/ORB_SLAM_results/test09114.xlsx
and ~/Examples/ORB_SLAM_results/test09118.xlsx
. The results of ORB_SLAM3 without IMU are saved in ~/Examples/ORB_SLAM_results/cpose09114.bag
and ~/Examples/ORB_SLAM_results/cpose09118.bag
. The Matlab-script ~/Examples/ORB_SLAM_results/Error_cal_orb.m
is to calculate absolute trajectory error (ATE). The results of ORB_SLAM IMU fusion are saved in ~/Examples/EKF_results/ekf09114.bag
and ~/Examples/EKF_results/ekf09118.bag
. The Matlab-script ~/Examples/EKF_results/Error_cal_ekf.m
is used to calculate ATE of the fusion.