In this tutorial, you’ll explore the new aspect ratio, and build an app with a search controller integrated into the navigation bar.
Then you’ll explore how to fix an app that was created shortly before the iPhone X announcement: is it enough to just turn on safe area? Read on to find out.
Rule: Compose your images so you don’t lose important visual information when Aspect Fill crops them.
- Avoid the sensor housing and home indicator, except for background image and vertically scrollable views.
- Avoid placing controls where the home indicator overlaps, or corners crop.
- Don’t hide or draw attention to sensor housing, corners or home indicator.
- Use safe area layout guides.
- Use margin layout guides.
- Center content or inset it symmetrically.
Recommendation: Use standard UI elements.
Note: The iPhone X is compact width in landscape orientation, so it behaves like the iPhone 8, not the 8 Plus.
- The iPhone X status bar is higher, so dynamically position content based on the device type, instead of assuming a fixed 20-pt height.
- Always show the status bar unless hiding it adds real value to your app.
- Use PDF for flat vector artwork; provide @3x and @2x of rasterized artwork.
- An app doesn’t use 3x if it doesn’t have a LaunchScreen.storyboard.
- If your app uses the swipe-up-from-bottom gesture, turn on edge protect with preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures(): the user must swipe up twice to access the home indicator.
- If your app includes passive viewing experiences, turn on auto-hiding with prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden(): the home indicator fades out if the user hasn’t touched the screen for a few seconds, and reappears when the user touches the screen.
- Use the simulator to check portrait and landscape layout.
- Use an iPhone X device to test wide color imagery, Metal, front-facing camera.
- Don’t reference Touch ID on iPhone X. Don’t reference Face ID on devices that support Touch ID.
- Don’t duplicate system-provided keyboard features like Emoji/Globe and Dictation buttons.
What if you want to update an existing app for iPhone X?
First, update its assets, including background images, to PDF or add @3x images.
Then make sure it has a LaunchScreen.storyboard, and turn on Safe Area.
Safe area layout guides change top, bottom and edge constraints, so check these, and fix them if necessary.
Check for any layout that depends on a 20-pt status bar or 44-pt tool bar, and modify it to allow for different heights. Or, if your app hides the status bar, consider unhiding it for iPhone X.
Next, set View as to iPhone X, and check every layout configuration. Move controls away from the edges, corners, sensor housing and home indicator.
Consider integrating search view controllers into the navigation bar.
Build and run the app on the iPhone X simulator, and check every layout configuration. In landscape, check that table view cell and section header content is inset, but the background extends to the edges.