Haskell library to communicate with OBD-II over ELM327, with
- type-safe quantities with dimensions
- extensible simulator
- example terminal as a demo
Look in app/Terminal.hs
for a very basic example for low-level communication.
The interface to the engine is shown below and in app/Example.hs
module Main where
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import System.Hardware.ELM327 (connect)
import System.Hardware.ELM327.Commands (AT(..), Protocol(..))
import System.Hardware.ELM327.Connection (Con, ConT, ConError, withCon, close', at)
import System.Hardware.ELM327.Car (Car, runCarT, defaultCar)
import qualified System.Hardware.ELM327.Car as Car
main :: IO ()
main = do
r <- bracket (either (fail . show) return =<< connect "/dev/ttyUSB0")
(\c -> putStrLn "Closing connection..." >> close' c)
either (fail . show) return r
query :: Con -> IO (Either ConError ())
query con = withCon con $ runCarT $ do
_ <- lift $ at (ATSelectProtocol AutomaticProtocol)
printI "ECT" $ car ^. Car.engineCoolantTemperature
printI "Fuel Rate" $ car ^. Car.engineFuelRate
printI "RPM" $ car ^. Car.engineRPM
printI "Air T." $ car ^. Car.intakeAirTemperature
printI "MAP" $ car ^. Car.intakeManifoldAbsolutePressure
printI "MAF" $ car ^. Car.massAirFlowRate
printI "Throttle" $ car ^. Car.throttlePosition
printI "Speed" $ car ^. Car.vehicleSpeed
car :: Car (ConT IO)
car = defaultCar
printI key value = do
v <- show <$> value
liftIO $ putStrLn $ key ++ ": " ++ v